Sunday, January 04, 2004

Everquest Raids Southern Armada Week Fourty Five

04/01/04 Week FourtyFive
First week back after Xmas. The period between Xmas and New Years was rather drunken and a little blurry, so this weeks update may be wrong in a few areas. It is of course not my fault, blame the Gnome.
First up was a run into Sebilis on the weekend to try and drop Trakanon. I need to kill him to get an Undead Dragon Sinew to complete this quest. I started the quest on Karana the better part of 2 years ago. I started it again on Prexus when I transferred across and I now have only two pieces to go. Now Trakanon is at this point single groupable for SA and this should have been a fast run down and a fast kill.

Unfortunately it wasn't. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. People charged off way too early, well before we were formed up, others got lost on the way there and on the way in, we were also trying to help out a non- SA Bard who needed a drop from Trak and this guy didn't have a clue. He died on the way there, he got lost on the way to Seb, he didn't know where to go once in Seb or how to get the item he needed etc etc
I tried very hard to be a (mini) Raid Leader but I seem to suck at it. No-one was listening to me and we spent at least an hour recovering from people doing stupid stuff and trying to get everyone organized. Thanks to the Mighty Wizzie Arradien we finally seemed to get it together (People actually seemed to listen to him). So instead of a 30 minute run at Trak it turned into a 2 hour slog and it got really ugly. To top it all off the bastard didn't drop my Sinew either.
I certainly have a new view of, and respect for, Raid Leaders.
The first raid of the New Year was Monday. Unfortunately with the USA currently being in public holiday mode, all of the server Uber Guilds have been running rampant and there has been sod all left for us most days. Add in the factor that many of SA have been away at beaches, baches and generally holidaying and the target list has not only been short, but we have been extremely short of people to kill stuff.
First up was a fast run at the Elemental Plane of Fire with Pyronis and Magmaton on the menu. We were rather short of DPS at this point and it showed, Magmaton was just a grind to kill. There was no doubt he was going to die, it just took us a while.
A Frog in Fire?, I still don't get it.
He hits hard, ouchies
Next up for lack of anything better, was some back flagging. It seemed Agnarr the Stormlord and been saying nasty things about Gnomes!. I was all for buying him a drink and partying on down, but for some reason the officers decided to kill him instead. So it was off to the Bastion Of Thunder. We cleared our way through Evynd Firestorm on the first level...
then Emmerick Skyfury on the second level..
and smacked down Jolur Sandstorm on the third level to prep ourselves for Agnarr.
Now its been a while since I did this, but I think this is the right order of adds.
We just creamed this event, it was almost like taking a raid to an XP zone. At no point did it even look like any sort of fail. I am continuously amazed at the sheer professionalism and power that SA is capable of displaying when we get our collective shit together. I honestly believe that if we raided 6 days a week we would be giving NO and the mighty KTF a run for their money. 6 Months ago Kez took us on a "test" run at the Agnarr event and we wiped horribly, this was about our 5th (?) time through and we just cruised it.
After Agnarr we had an early break as nothing else was up. I had a Ranger friend check Trakanon in Sebilis for me and he was up! So a few people kindly consented to come down and keel heem with me. I think we took about 13 down to him. It was overkill really and he died before I could even Life Burn him.
This time he dropped the Undead Dragon Sinew Woot!. Now I only need a single piece to complete the Quest! After 2 years I am almost there! Since we were all together, and most still wanted to do a bit of raiding we went out looking for Dwagons. We found one up and headed out to Dreadlands. Gorenaire's unresistable AOE Fear makes him still something of a challenge and I managed at least one death during the fight. He died anyway, dropped some gimp loot and that was it, nothing else was up anywhere we could find. So at this point I logged, happy to have my Sinew. 
The next raid was the Friday night. I knew going into it that I was going to have to make it an early one. The GF had been making "not happy" noises all day and I was going to have to go and do the "Dinner" and "Cuddles" quests in order to bring my faction back up to a Non-Kos level.
So first up was Fire and inc came Pyronis.
The Frog again
Next was my least favorite MOB in all of Fire. Babnoxis the Spider Bitch. I HATE her DOT, being mana-less makes me like tits on a bull, utterly useless.
Spider Bitch
That was it for me and I had to log. I chose a good day to do it (that was sarcasm for those who don't recognize it) as SA cleared out Fire, then Air, then headed back to Fire and Sol Ro's Tower. It was a veritable cornucopia of targets and I missed it *sad*
Saturday I was mucking about on my Alt when I saw a call from Genosin that the good folk over at Unity were about to do the Rathe Council. I debated whether or not to go and finally decided that this was an opportunity simply to good to pass up. I headed to Ragrax the Stronghold of the Twelve, formed up with Unity and proceeded to spend the next two hours killing the Rathe Council.
One of Many
Now this is a fun fight!. It takes all arms co-ordination and a lot of discipline to get it right. I'm sure once I have done it for the umpteenth time I wont find it that much fun, but for the first time its a blast!.
Once the Council is clear the Avatar of Earth is incoming. I got the feeling that the tough part of this fight is not killing the Avatar, he died easy, its making the Rathe Council do what you need them to do.
The Avatar of Earth
Well the last two weeks have rocked!. I have achieved:
  1. Finished my Veeshans Peak Key and zoned in
  2. Killed Trakanon twice for my Sinew
  3. Gotten my first quarter of the Time key
  4. Gotten Garakk the last part of his Sebilis key
  5. Finished Combat Agility and started on Lightning Reflexes
So as a start to a New Everquest Year, this one is certainly better than the last one!

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