Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Southern Armada Everquest Raids Week Five

26/03/03 Week Five

This isnt strictly a raid but we spent Monday night killing the nameds and various Giants in POS. It was a hell of fun and I got flagged for BoT!! I only got two pics so here they are. First is the Desert boss. These bosses in POS are nasty and there is no way (no offense guys) that TSW could have killed them.
Second one is the ocean boss.
Tuesday night was a blast!. First off we headed to Ssra to join up with Unity to take out Vyzh'dra the Cursed. Now I have to have a bitch here. I HATE the run to Ssra. I have to stop and camp out as soon as I enter The Twilight Sea. The run through from the Nexus is OK, then into Fungus Grove and I start to get really bad video lag. As soon as I zone into TS Im in a slide show and I HAVE to log completely out in order to be able to move. Its only TS that does this to me. Crap coding as far as Im concerned and a real pain in the ass.

Anyway, enough bitching. The Glyphed goes down like a cheap hooker on the Little Red Fire Engine.
He was also kind enough to let me have a Dusty Blue Shawl. He could have cleaned it up a little, but what the hell it was damn nice of him. Shortly afterwards or course Vyzh'dra the Exiled had a wee accident with the Warriors of two guilds and died in a most unpleasant and messy fashion.
And finally, the little bastard that eluded us last time. Vyzh'dra the Cursed fell to Unity and Southern Armada and a great time was had by all!. I know the question that's preying on your mind right now, did the Little Red Fire Engine Survive?, sadly no.
After that Unity decided to go and kill Emperor Ssraeshza as he was up and we headed off to nail Terris Thule again. We got there...
we fought and this time we nailed her. Not without the obligatory death of the Little Red Fire Engine of course!.
Now every now and again I start to have REALLY bad connections during the game and I will begin to go LD on a regular basis. This usually lasts for a couple of weeks and will get really bad for a couple of days (LD every 20 minutes) after a while this problem goes away and I go back to a rock solid connection again.

Unfortunately I am in the middle of one of those periods. I have tried talking to Telecom about it, but as the problem is intermittent and Im not a business customer, they don't give a fuck. This is despite my having proved once before that it is a line noise problem and not my PC.

So last night went a little like this for me:
Ssra Temple, all good no problems.
Run to PonB, LD outside.
Zone into PonB and start the run in, LD
Get to TT and start to Buff, LD
Fighting TT, LD

I got back from the last LD and TT was about to go down, unfortunately I am not flagged for PonB. So I got the "join a raid within 3 minutes or be ported out" message. TT went down and Kez told me to come to TT's body, just as I realized that the 2nd copy of TT that was standing over TT's corpse was the "Planar Projection" that I have to hail to receive the Flag, I was ported out to POT. Fuck.

So at this point it was midnight and I had to log. Oh well 3rd time lucky I guess. I sure hope SA decides to do her again at some point. What happens if you get flagged for a Tier 3 plane if you don't have the flag for the previous plane?. I.E. I am not flagged for PonB but if we drop TT again I could get flagged for Torment?.

Thursday was a long night, but a lot of fun. First off everything we checked was dead. That kind of sucked. The scouts were out, and they were coming back with nothing. Well almost nothing. The call went out. Head for The Deep!. So off we all went. I have to say, as a zone, the Deep sucks ass. I went LD crossing the stupid invisible bridge and fell in the pit. But we finally got to the Burrower Parasite area and started the ring. Eventually the fat bastard spawned, and then he died. We didn't have any real tanks so the Little Red Fire Engine was playing MT.
MOBS= 1 Little Red Fire Engine= 0
He actually drops some very very nice loot. But he didn't drop the Robe. I was kinda looking forward to that as I would very much like to replace the Froglok Bonecasters Robe I have borrowed.

The parasite died (of course) and we pushed further into The Deep to find the Thought Horror Overfiend. Now this is a cool looking MoB!. Whoever was designing him and his buddies was obviously watching Predator at the time!. We were all on the lookout for a mob named "Ahnuld" but we never found him. Its a long fight but worthwhile as he drops some very nice stuff!.
MOBS= 2 Little Red Fire Engine= 0
Then we were off to BOT to kill the only two things still alive on Prexus. 2 Tower bosses. This chap decided to object, so we keel heem!
Then of course Auliff Chaoswind fell over.

MOBS=3 Little Red Fire Engine= 0

I was going to log at this point, but then we went to a Tower I had never been to, so I decided to hang around. There are a BUTTLOAD of Vann Krigers and other Vann's in this tower. Not tough just bloody annoying to kill
We got to the boss, we pull heem, we keel heem. I sleep now.
And the final score for the Night:
MOBS= 3 Little Red Fire Engine= 1. (Yes he survived the last one!)

Friday, March 21, 2003

Southern Arnada Everquest Raids Week Four,

21/03/03 Week Four

Tuesday Night seriously sucked. Raids into HOH and COD. Neither of which I am flagged for. So I sat around waiting for enough people to logon to get above the 32 limit so I could zone in. Never happened, so that was 3 hours wasted hanging around. I did however manage to get into a good all SA XP group.

Damn I wish I could do all SA groups all the time. I am sick of getting killed or just generally fucked around by some of the people I have grouped with recently. Some of them have been great, others..... I wonder how the hell they ever managed to get above level 10. Friday was a much better raid night.

First things first, we formed up in POK and the call was made to head to WL as Tormax was up. Now personally I think that killing giants is the best thing you can do with your clothes on, so I was rather happy to be seeing Tormax die for the first time!. So after a few problems (Someone sowed Tormax before we got there so the pull was tough) Genosin, and the best pull team on Prexus had him inc.
He came with a friend or two, But what the hell, they all died just as fast.

And BAM one dead King O' the Giants! Since we were there, and he was there and he would have felt left out, well you know, Vindi.

I would have loved to have killed AOW as well and made it a hat trick, but he wasnt up /cry.

So next it was off to AR to nail the Itraer Vius again. The Va'Dyn wasnt up and the IV didnt drop Funeral Pyre (Gimmeee my damn spell you swine, he's dropped Zevfeers Theft of Vitae three times in a row tho grrr)so we just ran in and zerged him. At this point most of the guild had left so we killed him with about 25 people or so, Im fairly sure we could do him with a lot less.

Saturday, March 15, 2003

Southern Armada EverQuest Raids Week Three

15/03/03 Week Three
Well we started off Monday night with an attempt on Behemoth!. This was my first try on him and SA's first try solo. Up till this attempt we had apparently always duetted him with Unity.

Unfortunately we failed. We had him at 30% when I got summoned. I'm not sure why the fail, we had him well under control, no spideys got in the room and I definitely wasn't over nuking. Ah well next time he dies. After Behemoth we headed off to see some of the BOT Tower Bosses. (Must get a damn Key for BOT) A couple of MOB's decided to object...

but they didn't last long. So at the end of the night...

Some very damn nice melee weapons drop off these guys.That was the end of the night for me and I needed to log.

Friday was a lot longer night. It started when we heard that Junk Beast was up, so a couple of us decided to give him a hard time. We formed up and got ready for the pull. Just before the pull, a group in front of us (we were leapfrogging them to get to Junk Beast) aggroed him...

We thought, "what the hell!" and engaged. This was the EXACT moment that both our tanks went LD. Typical Pally behavior!. So a few seconds later I saw...

For a caster that is NOT a good image to see. We reformed, moved up, pulled,

result.A good way to start the night. Once we had him down the raid was called and off to Akheva Ruins we went. First to fall was The Va'Dyn.

He went down like a blondes knickers. Unfortunately he didn't drop my spell. That's ok, he will die again, and so will many other Luclin Bosses Im sure. If Im very lucky and very good, maybe I will get one AwardedAfter the Va'Dyn and a little bit of fighting, came the Itraer Vius. Now this is one cool looking mob.The little red fire engine blocked my view and we engaged shortly after so I have also grabbed this image from Allakhazams.A bit more running and a lot more fighting (Damn Worm traps) we got to Shei Vinitras place.

This little punk wiped us. But it was our first run at him, he will die next time. We learned a lot about what to do in the next fight and I have no doubt he will be nailed shortly. Unfortunately they announced a server down just after we wiped. I managed to summon the last raid member and we got everybody rezzed and BAM "You have been disconnected" so that was the end of that.

During the weekend I also did a bit of killing in groups in POI and PON.I have to say I really like the look of these two mobs!. Excellent design from SOE.

Monday, March 10, 2003

Southern Armada EverQuest Raids Week Two

Southern Armada EverQuest Raids Week Two
Unfortunately I had to miss a day of this weeks raiding as I had to goto a wedding on Waiheke Island, so this update is a little short. But Tuesday we formed up in Dragon Necropolis and ran down to kill Zlandicar.

I took a day off to kill Zland once, we ran in tonight and he was dead in 5 minutes. He is a warm-up for SA!. He was also kind enough to lend me his heart again. Isn't that nice!, I come all the way from Karana and Zlandicar realizes how much I miss his heart and gives it back to me!

After Zland we decide to hit the Manaetics again

They died fast again, but not as fast as the little red fire engine!, so we headed off to spawn the POI Dragon!. The gnome was spawned, Xanamech Nexmithafen came to life and promptly died.

He was also kind enough to let me have a Pulsing Phase Emitter So basically by the middle of the raid I was doing really well for drops! (Thanks Kez!!)

So now we have a few more people flagged and are nicely warmed up we head out to Bastion of Thunder and fight our way up to Brynju Thunderclap.

He of course died. SA went on to nail another 2 of the tower bosses. At this point it was 1.30 in the morning and I was working the next day. I had to go to bed so I missed the final kills. Never mind there is always next time!