Monday, May 10, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Sixty Three

10/05/04 Week SixtyThree
Today's update is brought to you by TooMuchCaffiene(tm), Nickelback, NotEnoughSleep(tm), Stress and the letters NAI.

We rule, we rock and Quarm's days are numbered. We blew through the first 4 Tiers of Time like they weren't even there. Tier One was just destroyed, we didn't even have a minor hiccup. This is the Southern Armada I just love to watch in action. I honestly doubt that when we turn up with our game faces on, that there is a guild better than us, anywhere in the game.
I don't think its a big boast. I've seen one of the top 4 guilds in the game in action and we are every bit their equal.
Oh God, here they come again.
We are finished, open the damn door 
Now the last time we did Tier 2 we had all sorts of problems with multiple group wipes, bad pulls, ghosting etc. This time we just blitzed it. I was in the group doing Fire/Water and our DPS seemed enormous, I couldn't even get a Neurotoxin off before the target died. I was reduced to tapping with Touch of Mujaki (3.2 sec cast time) to even be able to actually do some damage.

Tier three arrived way too soon and we steamrollered our way through it. There were always 2-3 Mobs in camp and more on the way. We had one hiccup early on in the piece where we lost a lot of people suddenly to a rogue Giant, but we recovered fast and simply started to pull faster.

Finally we reached the boss Mobs of Tier 2. Now normally we would do the usual thing of putting Pooby in front of the mob and letting them beat on him till they got tired. Then we usually sacrifice a Shammy or 2-3 Pallies to the Great Gods of PhatLewtz and then the mob would die. However the Druids have been getting pissed off with this. They are bitching that they "never get to do anything" and that "speed heals on the tanks are boring".

The problem is that when you actually try and get them to kill anything they wont, cause its "against Tunare" or some such crap, they complain that killing stuff is all just too violent.
So just to be a little different, on the second boss kill we sent in Pooby (As usual), sacrificed a Shammy (sorry about that Boss) and then the Druids began to cast some happy fluffy spells. Apparently the spell generates great big floating balls of soft stuff and they essentially tickled the target to death.
He laughed for hours and hours and hours...
I basically logged after the Boss Mobs finally stopped giggling and headed for bed. The Armada moved on and dropped Terris and Saryrn before the finished. I had to be up ridiculously early for a flight to Wanganui (and yes you can say "where the fuck is that?", I know I did. So there was no second raid this week as I ended up down there for 2 nights damnit.
Of course since I was away SA dropped Vallon Zek and Tallon Zek and entered Tier 5 for the first time on Thursday night. Happy it happened but pissed off that I missed it. Next week its time to clear Tier 5 and move on to Quarm

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