Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Ulaa Da Black Ork Level 14 beta

WAAAAAGGH! The NDA is down!.
I logged into Warhammer Beta last night and had an absolute blast. I fought in 5-6 PvP battles both in Battlegrounds and in open RvR zones. Now PvP is something I've never, ever done before and I loved it. After each fight you can see the "zone" capture tabs swaying one way or another between Order and Destruction as to who owns the area. Initially Destruction was dominant and the zone capture was definitely moving towards Orkies, then the Order guys started to rally and by the end of the night although order hadn't gained ground, destruction had definitely lost ground.

Reading the manual also showed me a lot of stuff they are planning for guilds and it all looks really cool. Being in a guild is going to be a lot more than just a shared chat channel, Guilds have levels and can affect and be affected by the world. Guilds will be able to design their own Heraldry and the Standard bearer for a Guild will provide the Guild with a definite advantage on the battlefield.

Public quests are cool, I participated in 3 different public quests, you can end up in a PQ without even realising it just by joining in a group that's in an area where a PQ is ongoing. All the quests I did come with a real sense of humour, the gobboe wolf rider wants you to kill the orcs boars to feed his wolves, the orc boar boy wants you to kill the gobboes wolves to feed his boars. Every thing that you do contributes to zone control and the War, from joining a PQ, fighting in PvP, to making and selling goods to other players.

PvP is going to be interesting, the green skins seem to have lots of Tanks and DPS, the Dorfs have lots of DPS and healers. Those bloody Dorf tank/healers are HARD to kill. PvP is easy to enter and a fight (at the level I'm at) is about 12 minutes. I have entered a couple of open PvP zones and had some small battles, Im really looking forward to getting thousands of people on line and having huge battles. I got XP and a title for dieing so much in one battle :). I got an achievement for the numbers of criticals I had done in PvP. The lorebook is fantastic, its a game unto itself and ALL the lore/knowledge for the game is in there if you want to read it.

Orc quests are fun, yes there is the usual go and get me X, but there is always a twist. Go and get the head of this dorf, take it back to town and put it on a spike cause it will make this gobboe laugh, talk to the gobboe once done. Go and find unconscious dorfs, put them in this barrel and then kick it off the side of the battlements , we are having a competition to see who gets the barrel furthest etc etc

I am seeing higher level Black Orcs around, I can tell they are Black Orcs because of the model and I know they are higher level because of the cooler gear and adornments they have. I also know whether a BOrc has gone down a defensive or a DPS path from their gear.

Graphically, the world has a sort of WoW look, but I wouldn't mistake one for the other and the models look utterly different. Think WoW landscapes, burned, strewn with debri and corpses and Vanguard models. I have this nasty feeling I am going to be spending a lot of time killing filthy dorfs, then filthy humies, elvses etc. I knew from the minute I stepped into the world that I was in an orc encampment and that I was in the gathering of the next WAAAAGH and exactly who my enemies are.

This game rocks and I would highly recommend peeps giving it a shot.

I've been playing for about 5 days solid now. I haven't found any of what I would call major bugs yet. I've seen one graphics anomaly (one mob in a bunch of about 20 was all warped) I have had one CTD. That wasn't to do with the application, it was related to the authentication server crashing. I had one piece of equipment that I couldn't equip till I logged out and back in again.

The PvP and PvE streams are beautifully integrated. You get PvE quests in PvP areas and vice versa. There are PvP quests around the killing of different enemy classes (they say it much better in the quest but its like kill a dorf priest, engineer and warrior) and you get gold and XP as a reward. You get a PvE quest to scout an area (such as a remote tower) in a PvP area. There are literally hundreds of quests.

I have finished Tier One (thats a PvP tier) in Orc lands, so now whenever I enter a PvP zone at level 12 I get a warning and then I get turned into a chicken!. So I have moved up a Tier to Tier 2 and I am starting to PvE and PvP in there. To give you an idea of how much content there is, I would guess-timate that I have done maybe 30% of the content in the Ork/Gobbo PvE T1 zones (about 4-5 "zone areas" in each zone, about 2-3 PQ's per zone area). I have done about 20% of the PvP content and participated in only 2 of the battle grounds in those areas. I spent some time in the Chaos Zones doing PQ's, quests and PvP and I've done maybe 10% of that content. I could easily create alts in each area cause they are all so utterly different.

PvP seems to be run in two ways. There is zone based PvP where you sign up to a battle queue and when there is enough people a battle is created. This can have as many as 36 players per side involved. I've seen 3 battlegrounds so far, one in Chaos, two in Green skin lands. Think WOW battlegrounds but with different objectives, in some its hold certain points, in others its kill the messenger etc. Then there is open world PvP, where you are warned when you enter the area that you are in a PvP area. each area will have multiple objectives to take and hold. There will be quests in the RvR area (Both PvE and PvP quests) you can choose to do them or not. Two I liked were "Blood on your hands" and "Green Faced Killa" which are repeatable and involve killing enemy players for an xp reward.

The designs of the battlegrounds are the same of the open world PvP, so after doing an instanced based battleground, eventually you will reach the real world area which is the same place and recognise it. The PQ's work in the same way, you will get a PVE quest to go to a certain area and kill stuff and on the way there, or while there, you may run into an area that's a part of a PQ. Joining a group in a PQ or anywhere in the world is as easy as "show me open groups" button and "join" button. PQ's have their own rewards based on something called "reknown" which you earn by taking part in PQ's. PQ's also have RvR elements. You may be doing a PQ to kill the Dwarf attackers and be busy killing NPC's. The Dwarf PC's will have a PQ to kill Ork Attackers. Whoever finishes first resets both of the PQ's, so you could be interfering with the enemies plans. War really is everywhere.

Some players may flag themselves RvR and attack you while you are doing a PQ under cover of the NPC's (I've had this several times) so then you are fighting PC's and NPC's together. Its a blast.

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