Monday, May 05, 2003

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Ten

05/05/03 Week Ten

What a week!!, the beginning of the week we had a great raid, this was then topped off with SOE deciding to drop the servers for a patch on Wednesday. Of course you know what that means right?!, yup MOB's all over the place after the servers came back up and a raid day changed to Thursday!. So I managed 2 personal firsts this week, participated in a guild first and received a spell I have been wanting since Luclin was released. Its the best DOT a Necromancer can get.

So it all started on Monday, the UI that I have been using forever, decided to die. I zoned into PODisease and crashed to desktop and couldn't log back in. I could log in any other toon but not Ulaa. So after a lot of help from Kez, I reset my INI back to default and was finally able to logon. Of course all of this happened 5 minutes from Raid time (actually it was about 2 hours that I was trying to get back in). First things first,we head off to Halls of Honor cause Rydda'Dar is up. We failed at 40% last time so we determined that we weren't going to fail again.

Can you believe it the bastard denied us at 1%. One single Gods Double Damned Percentile. ONE Extra tank, ONE more Wizzie, ONE extra Nuke and he would have gone down. If ONE person had stayed alive another 20 seconds the various DOT's would have burned him down. GRRR, you'll keep mate, you'll keep. I have been told and read a lot of comments along the lines that if you can take down Rydda'Dar you can kill anything short of the Elementals. Well we proved we can kill him, 1% is nothing, he will die, oh yes he will.

Next on the list was Shei Vinitras in Akheva Ruins. Four armed Gimp boy was waiting for us, he and his little friends were all fat and fine and cuddly and decided to fall over for us. I think anything we could find after Rydda'Dar was basically doomed Monday night, as we were all so pissed off at the loss.

While Kez was doing one of his "I just slaughtered half a dozen Newbies and am going to hand out all their gear to the guild" sessions, he said a curious thing along the lines of "I went out shopping while drunk with the company cheque book the other day..." which he followed by "Send tells for Spell: Funeral Pyre of Kelador.

For those who don't know, this is the best DOT for Necromancers in the entire game. It was introduced to the class as part of the Luclin expansion and originally ONLY dropped off Rhag2 and Rhag3 in the Ssraeshza Temple and even then were insanely rare drops. Eventually after much yelling and screaming SOE realized that it was a bit rare even for them and also placed the spell as a drop on several other Luclin Mini Bosses. Unfortunately they then made the drop from those Mini's EVEN MORE rare than the drops from the two Rhag's. So basically this spell is insanely difficult and/or expensive to get your hands on as a Necromancer.

I had pretty much given up on ever seeing it drop and determined I was just going to hang on and wait and see if it dropped from the IV (Who can drop it) or the Va'Dyn. I don't know where Kez and SA got it or how, but I am eternally grateful. I was awarded Funeral Pyre of Kelador Monday 28th April around 10:30PM. Just Wow.

So after Shei Vinitras snuffed it we headed off to The Deep to visit our old friend the Burrower Parasite. After having victory over Rydda'Dar snatched from us at the last moment, the Parasite was in for a Ganking, so we ganked him and it was good.

It was getting late at this point and I was going to log, but Kez said Thought Horror Overfiend was up. Now personally I believe that the THO deserves to die just for being such a long boring fight. I am in a lot of ways glad I missed the "press Attack and go AFK" period of EQ raiding. The THO is SUCH a boring fight. The POP bosses are a hell of a lot more fun and a lot more challenging. So basically a bunch of the THO's boys got trampled.

And after about 20 minutes, so did the THO.

logged 2.00am or some such, BIG grin on my face.

I logged in Tuesday for some XP, sent tells to a few guildies with no success, sent tells to a few people in the lfg tool, no success, ran through half a dozen zones broadcasting lfg with no success. So I ran off to Ssra to join the Little Red Fire Engine and try and help him get pieces for his Emperor key. For once the LRFE didn't die however the results of that little foray can be found here.

Patch was announced Wednesday and the servers brought down Wednesday night our time. Kez made the call to change the raid day to Thursday. We all logged in Thursday night, a lot of MOB's were already dead including Rydda'Dar (Grats to Unity on a comprehensive Kill), but a lot was still up and breathing (a very temporary state of affairs)

So off to Akheva Ruins to start the night with a little Shei warm-up. As usual I got within one zone of The Deep, realized I was going the wrong way and had to turn around and head back. *Dumbass*. We have come up with a new method of getting to the names in Akheva, we form up, set up AOE's and simply pull everything in our way to one spot and kill it all. Its a remarkably fast and efficient method of clearing through the zone.

The Itraer Vius is ready for an Oggie Pumping...

Shei Vinitras, waiting for us...

Shei Vinitras, the Kill...

Then came the call I have been waiting for, "Tallon Zek up get to Plane of Tactics" woooooototototototoooootooot!

A Flagging a Flagging!. Gated out of AR and head to POTactics. Zoned in and started to DMF everyone. We formed up for the fight inwards killing a few Oggies in the process...

Formed up and attacked...

The last image is TZ dead just before he fell over. I had a wee problem during the fight. I ran in, sending pet immediately, cast, resisted began to cast again and got bounced by one of Tallon's arrows. Began to turn around to see where the hell I was and got bounced again, so I was completely disoriented at this point. Unfortunately I got bounced up onto the little balcony where an Oggie Guard was still hanging about. I didn't know he was there, I noticed that I was at about 20% hp after the AE arrow and ran back down to the raid to tap RZ a bit.

Of course I managed to bring the Oggie with me. Anyone who has been on a couple of raids knows that the absolute worst thing that you can do is train a raid. First rule of raid moveage in places like POTactics where bringing the wrong mob can wipe a raid, is if you get aggro, stand and die. I have known this since my first Fear raid. I got down from the balcony and got a tell from Genosin to "Die", Goddamn he is in-fucking-credible.

I am so glad he is a member of SA and not another guild, he is MT for this fight, is concentrating on keeping aggro or we ALL die. He can still keep an eye on what the rest of the raid is doing, see what's happened with me and figure out what is about to happen before I can even realize what I have done and send me a tell. No wonder he is regarded as one of the best Shadow Knights on the server. He may be one of the best players I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Anyway so I stopped and waited to die. The Oggie completely ignored me and headed to the raid where (I think, though I am probably wrong and feel free to point it out to me) Ainya mezzed it fast. Anyway, long story short, Tallon Zek Bowed down before The Southern Armada. I didn't think that anything else was up, I figured we would probably go and do Bastion Of Thunder tower bosses and was planning on an early one when Kez called "Vallon Zek is up!" WOOOT!

A Flagging a Flagging!. A quick port back to the Zone in, and we raced up to Vallon's room. Now Vallon Zek is, I believe, a real test of your Tankage. You need to have some seriously well equipped and disciplined tanks and a tight slow/heal team to take him. I think the tanks did a fucking fantastic job on our first run at Vallon Zek as a Guild. Grats and Kudos go out to Ould. LRFE, Kemdell *It was worth the move wasn't it mate :) *, Genosin, Mewkus and Pooby. TZ is a Caster/Range fight, RZ is an upclose and personal Tank fight.

Vallon Waiting to die

Vallon Engaged

The view that many guilds would crap themselves over.
Vallon Zek is Incoming!

I had a really good shot of a dead Vallon as well but I lost it and have no idea where I put it. Hopefully its still at home so I can fix this up Monday. Man what a night!, what a week!. There was much much PhatLewtz!!. This is why I moved to Prexus in a nutshell. There is no way in Hell I would have been 64, equipped with Funeral Pyre or able to enter these zones let alone be in a guild that was definitely on its way to the Elemental planes if I had stayed on Karana. Thank you Southern Armada! /bow to you guy

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