Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Seventy Five

10/08/04 Week Seventy Five
It has been put to me that I have in fact gotten the timeline of our GOD raids wrong for the last couple of weeks. This is in fact correct. This week (Not the week I'm writing about now, but next week hehehe) we dropped Ikkinz4. So essentially in 4 GOD raids we have done Ikkinz 1,2,3,4 in a row. Quite an achievement considering we have had absolutely no idea about any of the encounters.

Mostly we go in, try it, see how bad we get hammered and how (that's only if we don't succeed first shot) adjust our tactics and then go again. Its a formula that has yet to fail us.
This week we actually started with GOD and Trial 3. I initially though we would be able to do Trials 3 and 4 in the one night, but they aren't as easy as all of that. Once again we got the cookie cutter zone layout, its exactly the same layout as Trials 1 and 2 with the mobs in exactly the same places and doing exactly the same things, only more so.

As a rough example of what I am talking about 
Trial1 : Nasty_Named_MOB_01 Hits 1000/triples 10K HP
Trial2 : Nasty_Named_MOB_01 Hits 1200/triples 15K HP
Trial3 : Nasty_Named_MOB_01 Hits 1800/Quads 25K HP
Trial4 : Nasty_Named_MOB_01 Hits 4500/Quads/proc's 1500DD, AOE's -300 Chromatic 2500DD 55K HP

They seem to ramp up considerably in nastiness with Trial 4 being a real bruiser (more on that next update.) Anyway we romped through Trial 3 pretty much. The last named caused us a few issues and there were two unplanned Raid rezzes but we still dropped him in the end. One thing that is annoying is to go from the volume of Lewtz that Time gives us, back to 2-3 Lewtz per raid. Admittedly the quality of the Lewtz is the best in the Game but its still a bit of a shock to the system. Time has spoiled us a bit.

I left this raid about 2:00am I think and headed straight to bed.

The following Thursday was a full Time clear.
Tier One
Tier Two
Tier Three
Terris Thule
Tallon Zek
Vallon Zek
Cazic Thule
Rallos Zek
We had to delay it to the 2nd raid of the week due to splitting the Time kills across last week. We want to be doing this as one single raid to get it out of the way. I think it also makes people happier when we do raids where simply massive amounts of Phat Lewts are dropping and everyone seems to get a piece.

My weakest points, and the things I am really looking for an upgrade for are my Face, Earrings and Secondary. They are the only pieces left on me that are sub 100 hp. Everything else, be it raid dropped or picked up in XP groups are all at this point over 100hp and I'm happy with that.

A lot of stuff is now starting to Rot. The officers had nobody interested in Tier1, Tier2, Tier3 loot. There are a few pieces in there that would be minor upgrades for me (Arms from T3 have more regen and slightly more hp for example than mine) for example but I am waiting for absolutely everyone else who wants them to get them first. When they start to go to Bots I will put in for some of this stuff.

I really really wish I had managed to get Garakk Time Flagged. I can see stuff that would be a massive upgrade for him passing into the "grats Rot" category very, very soon. Even the main Bots don't want a lot of it.He is slooooooooooowly approaching 59. I'm not entirely sure why but from about 55+ groups for Warriors simply stopped. Up till 55 getting a group was reasonably OK, now I spend hours LFG on him and get nada. the best XP I have managed for him in the last couple of months has all been in 65 groups where I tag along.

I didn't even think of getting him Time flagged at the time. I was concentrating on the Guild Flagging, this weekly tome and getting Ulaa flagged. To be utterly honest I'm still flabbergasted every day that we made it. I think in some small part of me I never, ever thought I would be in a Time Level and beyond Guild. So I just didn't get Garakk Flagged, I really should have.
I've been trying to get him a lot of the older flags but successful pickup raids are few and far between. He has a few flags and 3 associated AA's but he is still missing a hell of a lot.

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