Well my 3 month anniversary on Prexus came and went with pretty much a mixed bag. Lots of SOE patches kind of fucked up the raid schedule so the week was kind of "Bitsy". It started off Monday night with a wee visit to Halls of Honor to do a loot trial. Executed flawlessly by SA the nasty swine holding the Princess captive got nailed.
I am not going to make a comment on the next fight other than Rydda'Dar must DIE! I hate this fucking Dragon.
Rydda'Dar 4 SA 0
After that one, a lot of people left. I think RD kind of depresses people when we wipe. Especially when we get him so damn close (10% this time) and still fail. We are perfectly capable of killing him, I think we just need a little bit of luck and some further refinement of Strategy and we should be good to take him down.
Anyway. We made our first Guild attempt on Agnarrs Tower in Bastion of Thunder as well. I'm actually a little pissed that you in fact have to SAVE Karana. I know I was personally looking forward to ganking Karana over and over and over for all the hours I have spent lost in his fucking rain. We tried it with about 30 people. It didn't go so well and after the CR at 1:30AM I logged.
Next scheduled raid was changed to Thursday as they had a patch on Wednesday. Of course they decided to have an emergency patch on Thursday as well *sigh*. so we all logged in anyway and ran off to Ruins of Lxanvom for a little bit of Paffa maiming.
Since we still had about 20 minutes before the patch we figured what the hell and did a wee named trawl through COD.
Shortly after that the servers came down. I logged for the night, I tried to get on a bit later but got "servers congested" for half an hour and went to bed.
Friday dawned bright and clear after a patch and I logged in at 9pm. Friday's raid was an unusual one for me, as I had a mate come over to check out EQ. He has been hearing me bitch moan and whine about EQ for years and finally decided to come and have a look. I told him any raid night was going to be best. So about 8.30 he showed up clutching a couple of bottles of coke, for which I was able to provide a lot of whisky.
We settled down for a few drinkies and saddled up for the raid. First hit was in Akheva Ruins and Shei Vinitras, on the way through we ganked The Insanity Crawler instead of our usual hit of the Itraer Vius (Mainly cause IV wasn't up).
Then it was off to a new zone for me, Sanctus Seru. I have entered the zone once before to do a CR for a guildie but I have never ventured more than 10 feet or so from zone in. Not only that we were about to do one of the legendary Mob's. It is said in EQ Lore that if you can kill Lord Inquisitor Seru then you can definitely kill the Emperor of Ssraeshza Temple. Basically this is the kind of thing I signed up for.
On Karana I had never even entered the zone, Sanctus Seru, On Prexus I was not only zoning in, we were about to kill Seru just to see if we could!. Well guess what, its a long ass fight, and he is DEAD!. I was rezzed back in half way through the fight before it was pointed out to me that Zevfeers theft of Vitae will stick on him. But he is dead and now officially on the list of Gankable Mob's.
Lord Inquisitor Seru before...

It was an unusual fight only in that it took so long to get to him and set up for the kill. Normally we just kind of run in and spend about 10 mins pre-fight buffing and go. So my mate was sitting there saying " what, this is it?, 30 mins of staring at a screen? this is what you have been talking about for 4 years?" I assured him that this was an unusual situation and we continued on.
After some AWESOME PhatLewtz, (the Little Red Fire Engine got some crap blade in recognition of his fine dieing skills, he seemed pleased with it :) Grats Mate!) was awarded by Kez (here Horsie Horsie come to the nice Necromancer) we all spammed screens with gratz's and headed to the Plane of Tactics to send greetings from Southern Armada to the Zek Brothers. First up was Tallon Zek. At this point we only had about 26 people left and we wiped with him at 1% hahahahaha. It was ok, he only escaped death by about 10 minutes as we went right back in and nailed him anyway with 3 fewer people.
I logged before the second attempt. Myself and my mate had been drinking fairly heavily at this point and I could barely see the screen. So I logged about 2:30 am and pretty much fell asleep on the keyboard.
Logged in Saturday to do some XPing, which I did and am damn close to ND3, and since the GF was out decided to join an SA pickup raid to Sanctus Seru to kill a few named's. The three named's also have the potential to drop a Horsie (albeit not as nice a one was the Lord Inquisitor.) but a Horsie none the less. After my experience there over the next 6 hours I have to say that Sanctus Seru is one of the nastiest, buggiest, most unpleasant zones to enter I have ever experienced in EQ. If you have any plans to go there, my advice is, don't.
Behind the pets is Praesertum Vantorus
For the crappiness of the Zone and the shittyness of the drops I would personally happily never go anywhere near this place again. However as a couple of Guildies still need to finish the Earring of Veracity quests I guess there will probably one or two more trips back there. Oh well I must be close to maxxing Katta positive faction. I'll be chucked out of the Necromancers Union for that.
After Seru we headed off to do some 3rd floor farming in Ssraeshza Temple. We are after a couple of Keys to the Emperor. Why I hear you ask?. I don't know ask the Officers. Where they say go, there goeth I!. I can hope its cause we are going to put the big hurt on the Fat Snake himself!!. I didn't get a key part as I had to log. It was 1:30am and I had been telling the GF I would be off "In just a minute" for an hour and a half. Hopefully I may be able to get one next time.
So for me it was the end of the week. I know SA also dropped AOW and Statue on Thursday but I missed that one as I couldn't get on.
Oh and somewhere in there (Monday I think) An Evolved Burrower died as well.
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