Normally I would be swearing and cursing at SOE for them patching on a raid day. However, not this week, this week I love them. We all logged in on Tuesday and there was much killing goodness to be had. First up was Ssraeshza Temple and the bad, evil snakes. We all got there in just about record time and formed up for a quick shot at Rhag Mozdezh (AKA Rhag2)
Now when I was on Karana I used to dream about killing this guy as he dropped my Spell the most often. I researched him, read up on him, talked to people about him, all in the hopes that one day I would get to kill him. This week, not only did he die, he died good and fast as well.
Most of Ssrae is perma dead on Prexus so we figured while we were in the zone we may as well do our best to clear out all the named's. Close by we could see Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune cast messages and we had never killed him. So we ran to his room, prepped up, got very very ready, made sure we all knew what we were doing, went over the strat again, double checked to make sure we all knew what we were doing, engaged and GANKED the motherfucker.
Another dead Snake
The tanks had one standard comment all night, they repeated it for every single target "I thought this guy was hard?", Snakes 0 Southern Armada 2. Next up was Xerkizh the Creator. He knew what was coming and if he wasn't perma-rooted he would have been running away screaming like a little girlie. As it was, he couldn't run away and we keeled heem deaded.
A fat girlie snake ready to die
That was about it for Ssra, nothing else was left to gank. We even killed all the key bearing stuff on the way in and out. Pretty much all the loot so far had been Monk/Wis caster stuff and much grumbling was being heard from the Tanks. The Little Red Fire Engine was even heard to mumble "Grunt, grunt, dribble, whine, moan, grunt!" (What do you expect he is a Tank after all?!) So it was decided by the all powerful Kez (We worship at his feet!) that we would head off to say hi to Seru again.
So after a wee run and a bit of Portage we assembled in Seru and ran in to his room.We killed him in about half the time we took last time and I don't think anyone died. The Guild Necro channel was used to great effect to work out who was casting what on whom and when. It worked damn well and Team Funeral Pyre decimated Seru. In most fights the Nec's get to cast a couple of dots but very very rarely ever run out of mana. On this one I ran out of mana and had to sit to med.
ZevFeers Theft of Vitae on Seru to keep the group and me healed. Funeral Pyre (WOOT!) Dark Plague, Ebolt, running in a constant cycle with LOTS of FD'ing in between to keep Aggro on the tanks. But this time it went absolutely perfect, not one single problem.
Lord Inquisitor Seru waiting for us
Seru, waving to Genosin and running over to us eager to be Ganked!!
Then he finds out why Ssrae is terrified of Southern Armada...
And that was the end of Monday night. What a Blast!. Its obvious that SOE has been reading our MB as they have scheduled another patch for Thursday, so Friday's raid is going to rock as well!.
Friday we found out someone else had already killed Seru, Bastards!. So we had to settle for a bit of Akheva Ruins Pharmage. First up was our old friend The Itraer Vius. He was kind enough to drop a rather awesome Ranger Stick which all of our Rangers were just too damn Uber to want!
Since we were there, and he was as well, Shei Vinitras died and kindly left me his Mantle.
Then it was off to Halls of Honor again for our weekly shot at Rydda'Dar. I Really Fucking Hate This Fucking Dragon.
Now the trick with Rydda'Dar for a Necro, is to stay alive, yet to be absolutely skirting the edge of summoning (Did I mention I have Funeral Pyre? WOOT!). You want to be pumping out as much damage as you can without over-aggroing. Its a very fine line believe me. So I'm in there, I'm landing DOT's all over the place, throwing out Taps and Nukes, he starts to go down really fast, then his HP droppage slows down, but its still dropping. He is at 1% woot!, fire off a Neurotoxin, Interrupted, Neuro, Interrupted, Low on HP, switch to a Touch of Mujaki, Interrupted, summoned, dead.
I zone back to bind, he is in Deathwalk at 0% but he didn't die. I was on my knee's in front of my desk banging my head against my keyboard in frustration. I'm glad I had all that whiskey cause it didn't hurt, much. Zero fucking percent. Unbelievable. I Hate That Fucking Dragon.
So we decided to head over and save the Princess. She must be a particularly stupid bitch as she seems to need saving a lot. I didn't get a whole bunch o Pic's just the one of the last twit
Then it was off to Plane of Tactics to lay a smackdown on Tallon Zek. This is another encounter that frustrates the hell out of me. I always die. I think I have survived one encounter with him. I cannot figure out why, I always watch where the next arrow is going, I run around after each cast, I avoid the clerics and the MT, I FD after every cast, I try and stay away from any other players. Yet somewhere in the fight I always get LOADING PLEASE WAIT...
Its a fun fight and I always really enjoy it, yet I cannot seem to survive it. I gotta keep turning up for it cause he drops my necklace. Most high level Casters are desperately after FT Items. Necros don't really care about FT (Its nice but I don't get Hard over it) but regen, oooo regen!, now that gets me all excited. Regen, DROOOOOLLL.One of these days I guess.
And lastly but certainly not least, the powers that be have decreed that we are going to kill the Emperor, so I have spent every session where I would normally be XP'ing in Ssrae farming for Emperor Key bits. At the moment if Im not in Ssrae then Im in various Luclin zones farming for Vex Thal Key Shards. I currently have zero Emp Key Bits and Six VT Shards. Im doing well on the VT shards but have lost roll's on 4 Emp key pieces. Oh well it isnt called a time sink for nothing.
So there will be lots of these guys in my Future.
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