Unfortunately I had to miss a day of this weeks raiding as I had to goto a wedding on Waiheke Island, so this update is a little short. But Tuesday we formed up in Dragon Necropolis and ran down to kill Zlandicar.

I took a day off to kill Zland once, we ran in tonight and he was dead in 5 minutes. He is a warm-up for SA!. He was also kind enough to lend me his heart again. Isn't that nice!, I come all the way from Karana and Zlandicar realizes how much I miss his heart and gives it back to me!
After Zland we decide to hit the Manaetics again

They died fast again, but not as fast as the little red fire engine!, so we headed off to spawn the POI Dragon!. The gnome was spawned, Xanamech Nexmithafen came to life and promptly died.
He was also kind enough to let me have a Pulsing Phase Emitter So basically by the middle of the raid I was doing really well for drops! (Thanks Kez!!)
So now we have a few more people flagged and are nicely warmed up we head out to Bastion of Thunder and fight our way up to Brynju Thunderclap.

He of course died. SA went on to nail another 2 of the tower bosses. At this point it was 1.30 in the morning and I was working the next day. I had to go to bed so I missed the final kills. Never mind there is always next time!
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