Well I logged into Prexus for the first time and nearly went Link Dead from all the "Welcome to Prexus" and "Welcome to SA" Spam, which was really nice of everybody!. Because I landed on Prexus naked, people started donating stuff to me and I was running around all over the worlds picking up from them. I really, really appreciate the donations and I kept a little log of who donated what so I can return it all back to them.
So there I am, equipped in relative newb gear and some one says "Want to go on a raid?" WOOT! absolutely!. So within an hour of landing on Prexus with no gear and no money, I am on a raid with SA. Now one thing they don't tell you when they move you is that all of your UI windows get wiped back to Zero. So my custom UI is OK, but the way I had my windows and filter set is fucked. So there I am in the middle of an SA raid, trying to reset my windows, trying to contribute, and trying desperately not to fuck up and get the raid killed. First place we went was POI and the Manaetic Prototypes XI, X, XI.

So we got to TT and after some deliberation we attacked.

A day later I log in and Genosin sends me a tell "Want to help kill Vhaksiz the Shade?". Do Monkeys throw their own crap?, does the countryside smell?, are we going to win the next Bledisloe cup?, do I want to raid, OMW!.
So 20 minutes later he is dead (so am I because I am so fascinated with seeing this mob and taking an SS that I forget to FD, DOH!) and we are looking for something else. So we head to Ssra as the cursed cycle is up. We were largely made up of under 60s and we only had 2 clerics but we went anyway.
First dies the Glyphed.
Next is the Exiled.
The Cursed unfortunately evaded us. Not cause he is too hard, simply cause we only had 2 Clerics, he will die next time.
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