weeks update bought to you late thanks to TooMuchWorkToDo, MyBossIsAway,
Eminem and Last Nights Raid.
was that Time
Tier's 1, 2 and 3?. We seem to have skipped our way past them
without noticing. I think we will still have the odd hiccup with
these Tiers but on the whole we have them pretty much down.
Ooo Pick me Pick me!
of the Elements being eaten alive by Horror
we got through Tiers 1,2,3 and on to the fun stuff. Tier 4!. The
call was for Tallon
Zek and Vallon
Zek to die first, so we formed up and engaged Tallon first.
Why Tallon?, well mainly cause of the two brothers he is the easiest,
but secondarily because we need his room. *wink wink* There you
go, there's a leet strat for you!.
to Die
worry your turn will come
went down pretty easy, not quite a perfect kill but close. I really
need to go and buy a lot more resist gear. I have a bunch of PR/DR
gear but its becoming obvious that I need more Magic/FR and probably
ultimately CR gear as well. One thing no-one tells you when you
are gearing up for Time, its all about resists.
look remarkably similar when dead Don't you think?
Guild killed Vallon last week but this was my first turn at him.
Once we had the adds figured out and how to handle them he went
down pretty easy. We had a bit of an issue once he was dead tho.
It seems the Clerics decided that since they had kept the MT alive
for the entire Vallon fight they would go and have a wee rest.
So when the tanks started to engage the Adds they went down like
ninepins!. From all the cursing from the tanks I would assume
they weren't very happy about that!.
came Cazic
Thule. He is a very basic Model and a very old one, but he
is still one of my favorites in the game. The last time I engaged
this guy was on Karana in the Plane of Fear with The
Silent Watch. TSW had their asses handed to them 3-4 times
before they managed to drop him. Southern
Armada dropped his bigger oh-so-very-much-badder brother first
other reason he is my favorite MOB is that he drops my Robe.
I just need the Robe to complete my ensemble. At that point I
can go back to regular LewtzHoring. I spent sooooo long trying
to finish my ToV silks and never managed it. I am absolutely determined
to finish my Miragul's
silk set. One piece needed, the Robe and I'm done!
it just wasn't to be on Thursday, and the Robe was awarded to
a feelthy Wizzie!. Grats Arradien on being the first Time
Silk robe in the Armada! (I'm so jealous mate:) ) It looks
very cool with that shiny forehead!. Its going to look better
on me of course!
came Rallos
Zek. Much like his lower planes counterpart this guy has caused
us a bit of trouble. Now Rallos is my favorite model in the game
bar none, but I do prefer to see him flat on his back.
had him, we fucking had him and then...
I Don't know how but someone somehow managed to aggro the Guards in front of Innoruuk on the other side of the room damn it. We were down to the last set of adds, Rallos was dieing smoothly and suddenly we had a half dozen denizens of Hate to contend with as well. We tried, we almost had it, we were still killing Rallos, his adds were being handled and the Innoruuk adds were being off tanked as well. Then we seemed to just run out of healers and the off tanks started to die. Kez called the reset and we aborted. Damn.
lessons learned; Clear ALL the guards in front of the Gods in Tier
5 before engaging.
frustrated and pissed off we turned our eyes to Bertoxxulous.
We had to wait for Tank disciplines to reset before we could take
another shot at Rallos, so we had 10-15 minutes to wait, so we
took our first shot at Bert. I was extremely surprised, he died
first try. I really didn't think a Tier 5 God would be that easy
to kill!. Mr Berty died fairly fast and gave up his Lewtz for
the good of SA.
it was time for Rallos again. Unfortunately we had about 6 people
leave at this point and that lack of firepower hurt us. We engaged
and it was going beautifully!. The adds were handled and Rallos
was going down cleanly. Then an off tank died, then an MT died,
then another, then another off tank and the effects just snowballed.
at 3% Rallos escaped us. I swear I could hear the fat bastard
laughing at us as he stalked back over our prone bodies to his
spawn spot. Bastard.
dies next week.
as I was preparing for the Raid this week I received a somewhat
extraordinary tell. I do not know if this was from a Guildies
Alt, from someone on EQ IM, it didn't appear to be cross server
but I couldn't reply and the person didn't show up as online on
Prexus. I havent seen or heard from this person again.
they sent it exactly as they were about to log out I don't know.
But Brigin doesn't seem to be a fan of SA for some reason.

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