Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Fifty Eight

30/03/04 Week Fifty Eight

Well Monday rolled around, bright, fine and clear. Once again our raid was full of non-Southern Armada, once again we had all sorts of problems with them. The recent patches are also screwing people up with massive casting lag, mob lag, video lag, link deaths, bugs and just generally weird stuff happening. The game has become all but unplayable for some people and 
I'm surprised that we have managed to kill anything at all.

Well, all I can say is at least they are doing this now, rather than during our first weeks in Time. I'm really hoping that they have all this crap fixed soon 'cause they are making the game just plain not fun at the moment.

Anyway first up was the Elemental Plane of Earth. (not Yay). We needed to drop two rings in here to spawn the Arbitor. This will hopefully be our final killing of him and was basically done for back flagging. Again people started to come out of the woodwork for the flags. We had app's and un flagged from every top ten guild on Prexus I think. Mezzes were breaking, Chanters getting splatted all over the place.

I honestly don't believe the mess our raids have become is about us, at least I wasn't noticing our people on mezz breaks or on Mob aggro. As soon as we go back to just raiding with SA people, we will revert to our usual level of killing efficiency. I really don't know how the officers and raid leaders do it. The frustration levels must be enormous at the moment.

First up was the Vine ring. We actually headed into the fortress bit in the middle and did all of our pulling from there. I think I'm beyond hating Earth Rings, now I just feel a kind of resigned acceptance, I am extremely happy that we dont have to go back ever again though.
Next it was back to the ZI and get ready for the Mud ring.
Finally we headed over to Tanitsala Jaggedtooth's platform to get ready for the entrance to the Arbitors lair. This is where it all turned to shit. I don't know who aggroed them, I don't know where they came from or why. But suddenly we had 4-5 Dusty Warders in camp completely smashing the raid. Off tanking was tried for a bit, but whether it was lag or just too many of them, it didn't work and the call was made for clerics to camp.

Now the problem with this is that the Arbitor is on a timer and it was running. We not only had to rez and move in record time, we had to start pulling and killing the Arbitor guards at massive speed. I don't think we have ever cleared out the Arbitor caves at that kind of pace. It was absolutely phenomenal and compared to the crap that had been going on before, it was amazing.

I think our people just started to ignore the Non SA in the rest of the raid and began pulling hard, in typical SA fashion with Kez egging us on "Faster, Faster, FASTER". Something tells me he doesnt want to have to do Earth again either!.
I actually got asked at one point by a (nameless) Non SA if we were about to wipe. I asked why he thought that and the reply was that we had 3-4 Mobs in camp, 2-3 on the way and wouldn't that be too much to handle?. After I finished laughing I replied no, that was fairly normal when we get on a roll.

Finally we cleared to the Arbitor. To speed things up even more, we didn't even pull to our usual kill area. The problem with the pull was that the graphics bugs started to glitch us again. The Arbitor kept getting stuck on small protuberances in the tunnel and in the end we just rushed him. The CH chain started early on Pooby and we all raced ahead into the corridor.

Once again the AOE mana drain DOT got me, but not before I managed to at least get 5 dots running on him so I still did a butt load of damage. I saved Life Burn till last and hit him with it at 10% and there was a nicely satisfying drop in his HP bar when it landed.
That was it and we all gated out. I had to leave early and logged about 12:30am but SA went on and dropped everything worthwhile in POEb.

There wont be an update for Wednesdays raid as I was unable to be there. I think this is about the 2nd or 3rd raid I have completely missed in 58 weeks and I'm not happy about it. Basically I was informed on the raid morning that someone would be sleeping in my computer room that night. So I played an alt for a couple of hours and was forced to log about 9:00pm AEST just as the second pull of the RC was being handled.

Ah well I am happy to report that SA took down the Rathe Council with aplomb and then (I believe) went on to clear POEb again. So hopefully next week starts with a killing of Coirnav and end's with our first run at Time trials

Monday, March 22, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Fifty Seven

22/03/04 Week Fifty Seven
Well not a hell of a lot to show for this week. We logged in and the call was for the Plane of Air and Xegony. I was so happy!. I've been hanging out for a Xegony kill because she drops two of the best Int caster items in the game pre-Time. So we formed up in the Plane of Knowledge at the POAir zone line.

Unfortunately the one guy who had a full key has retired and there was no way to get hold of him. So in the end it was up to Xardan and Genosin (and a great job they did) to suicide their way up to the isle. So after much waiting about we finally had the COH in place and the necros began to be pulled up to the isle for summoning.

Now on Prexus there is a channel called Barbraid where the unguilded gather and some of the more talented of them run raids for flags. So far they have been successful in clearing most of the Tier One and Two flags but they are wiping on the Tier Three (where it starts to get tough). I've been on a couple of Barbraid raids with my alt. They suck. people not paying attention, people actually arguing with the raid leaders, people generally dicking around, people who fundamentally cannot play their class.

Being on a Barbraid is like being back on Karana. Its a nightmare you just cant wake up from. Now someone had announced not only that SA was doing Xegony in Barbraid, they had also announced our chat channel name and that it was a free for all. We had every gimp dick head and his best friends drunk brain damaged cousin show up. Now some of them were invited (people from other guilds at our level, Talionis, Unity etc) but a lot of them weren't.

I think Kez and the Officers decided that we were having a "be nice to idiots, freaks and morons" day. I have no idea how they managed to stay so patient but after THREE AND A HALF HOURS of prep we were ready to engage Xegony. To illustrate why I wrote that in caps, our first Kill of Xegony took 3 hours in total and that included 2 wipes!.

Finally we were in place and we began the event. To be honest I never really had any doubt that we would kill her even with all the twits in the raid. Pooby got Boobie Mezzed at one point and died. But the slack was nicely taken up by Nymeria and the CH chain didn't miss a beat in the change over. Pooby was back up fast and reinserted as MT. The chain switched back without dropping a beat. I really don't know how they do that but full /props to the Clerics!.

We had enough SA people on the ball to absorb any potential mistakes. Anyway she died. It was good. Many alt's and people who missed the first time around got their keys. Several people completed their Time keys!.

So she was dead, Excellent now bring on the PhatLewtz!. I was sitting there slavering in anticipation. I just about cried when Kez announced she had dropped 2x Exquisite Phoenix Feather Mantle

Now first off Yay the tank classes. Happy for them. But WTF?. That's 4 of those in 2 kills!. She drops Vest of Phoenix Feathers and Xephyrus, Wand of the Flowing Wind. The BP is about the 2nd or 3rd best Int caster BP in the game and the Wand, well it just plain rocks.

I'm by no means massively Lewt focused and even if either of those items had dropped they possibly wouldn't have come to me anyway. But come on! 4x Exquisite Phoenix Feather Mantle? I demand a re-roll!, the Random Number Generator is broken!
Tuesday they patched in the new DirectX9 graphics engine. They didn't patch last night but I know many people have having huge issues so whether we will get to raid on Thursday and what is likely to be up is going to be a matter for the patch Lords at SOE.

Well sure enough Thursday rolled around and they announced a patch. I swear SOE has access to our message boards and places patches just so they can stuff us around. So we logged in for a really fast Fenin Ro kill in the Elemental Plane of Fire. Normally we don't get any loot off the trash named's on the way through to Fenin. But for some reason Thursday proved especially fruitful for us and we actually got 2-3 pieces from them.

Now once again we had a whole bunch of non-SA on the raid and once again it took forever to get them organized. Do other guilds normally take 2 hours to get sorted? How do their raid leaders put up with it?. The most time we wait for anything is for everyone to reach the setup spot. Once everyone is there we just buff and go. The amount of crap generated by having all these other people on the raid is just insane.


We sorted it all out and began the pulls. We were moving pretty fast as we didn't have a lot of time before the servers went down. Before we knew it all the trash was clear and we were setting up for Fenin Ro. I was bloody impressed actually, we cleared to Fenin in an absolute record time for us.

So we were there. He was there. We pulled him. He died. It was all good. Plus we actually got decent loot. rather than getting the crappy end of the RNG we actually came out on top for once!.

Dead Fenin

Once Fenin was dead we ran back to the Picnic Tables and the pulls began from there. It was all very tiring and to be honest I was pretty much asleep at this point. We cleared out to the Archway and began to pull from the wasteland. There were a couple of other named's we pulled, Magmaton was one I think and there may have been a General. I'm not sure as I was fading in and out at this point.

The pullers were doing a fantastic job as the DX9.0b patch has screwed a lot of pathing in the zone. MOB's were getting caught on pebbles, small shrubs etc. and actually getting them to the raid seemed to be a real pain in the ass.That was pretty much it for the raid anyway and we camped as the servers were about to come down.

Saturday, March 13, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Fifty Six

13/03/04 Week FiftySix

And lo the LewtGods said "You have Sacrificed many Pallies, many Warriors, Clerics and Monks. Shadow Knights, Necro's and Rangers, all have fallen in the pursuit of the Rathe Council. So just for you, here is another shot at it."

Yup once again we lined up in the Plane of Earth and once again we prepped ourselves for smacking our heads against the brick wall that is the Rathe Council. I am not surprised that Guilds have broken up over this encounter. Its a nasty evil Encounter and I would like to beat the man who invented it. Massive Kudos to those guilds who had to do it pre the "balancing" that SOE did.

The frustration levels when the RC was impossible to beat must have been enormous. I can now understand all the ranting on the uber guild message boards.

We warmed up with a couple of kills in the Plane of Fire as we waited for people to log on. First to die was Criare Sunmane. I thought maybe we were a little light as we engaged with only about 40 people online. But it was obviously the right mix of people as we just nailed it.
Next up was a MOB we don't get to see that often. Arch Mage Yozanni caused the usual running in and out amongst the AOE waves. I got caught by one after misreading an AOE call, but it got cured pretty fast and I was fine to lay the smackdown in my own Necroish fashion.

I do love the Lich line of spells, without it Yozanni's mana drain DOT would have chewed through my mana and left my mana pool bare. Having to rely on the evil VOQ *shudder* is not something I would enjoy. I would love to see the new GOD upgrade of the Lich line but the way SOE has structured the spell drops and the methods and devices of getting into the new zones, 

I really doubt I will ever see one.

I have to say, although technically SA is one of the Guilds or close to being one of the Guilds that GOD was structured for, I'm really not impressed. XP zones that you REQUIRE a 10K+ 2200AC Warrior. That's just not fun because those Warriors aren't just hanging off tree's, they are damn rare. Maybe after we spend a few weeks farming Time, 10K Tanks will become more common, I don't know.

That was it for Fire. Suddenly, we had a flood of people coming online so the raid was hurriedly called to POEb to take advantage of the fact. We set up and began the pulls. Kez and the Officers explained the strat all over again, but largely I think they realized the bulk of us knew it by now. 
Some of the strats were mildly changed from last time, just to iron out the last few wrinkles and suddenly we were good to go!. Now I'm fairly sure that I am not going to be giving away anything uber sekret in the line of SA strats in the following write up. If I am someone please tell me!.
A Chanters Nightmare - A Rathe Councilman
The 10 or so Necro's online designated a single stay behind to hang with the chanters and stay in their channel. That person was to make sure the Chanters had enough mana and if needed call for dumps from the rest of the Necro's. The rest of us formed a roving band to both do as much DPS as we could (Limited to Touch of Mujaki only, not allowed to use DOT's and Neurotoxin is way to heavily resisted and mitigated) and to mana dump where called to by the heal groups.

Normally we would be battle rezzing as well but it wasn't needed this time. We pulled, 1, then 2, then 3 and in a rush 4, 5, 6. the Chanters had the mezzables under control. I think we got a bit cocky early on as we took 2 of the mezzables to 0% before mezzing. That is cutting it a little too close!.

So with the Chanters going insane dealing with the Rathe Council we began to pull the tankables. 7, 8, 9, 10 we got set up and in place. 11 was inc and being tanked and the countdown was on. Then it went wrong. Slowers were getting ganked on slow attempt, no Warrior had /DEF up, healers were dieing left and right. I got summoned and splatted. Then Kez called for all Tank Mez to die and to allow the killer mob to reset.

So after a massive drag/rez effort we were backup and in place. I really didn't know if we were going to be able to do it at this point. I admit it, I doubted!.

We reformed and pulled again. I was seriously beginning to wonder about the Sanity of our Chanters when I realized that one of them was singing a little song in /say that made no sense whatsoever. But we got 'em all setup again. 7,8,9,10. Then Kez made a big huge ballsie call.

With the 5 Tank Mezzed in place, with the Chanters going slowly loopy, he called a five minute halt to wait for a /DEF recycle. So we waited with 6 Chanter mezzed Rathe Councilmen and 4 Tank mezzed, biting nails, on the edge of our seats for a timer to count down to zero.

To me this shows huge confidence of the leader for his team. He knew we could do it and he relied on us to stay concentrated and keep it together and get this thing done!. Just before the call to pull the final RC member we also lost a Cleric on a Tank Mezz group. Healers stepped up and we continued flawlessly.

Finally we had a /def tank good to go and number 11 was inbound. Heal rota kicked in and the Necros were finally allowed to use DOTs again. I loaded up mister Number Ten and he went down fast.

"Kill 'em all" was the call and every one of the Rathe Council members we had under control died rapidly. At this point the clock is ticking. This is where we failed last week as we didn't manage to kill the final RC member fast enough. Teeth were gritted, rings clenched and we hunkered down to get it right this time.

The Twelfth was quickly inbound and just as quickly dead. I got splatted after Life Burning and being summoned for low HP aggro, but I did my 10K or so of damage first.

I got rezzed back in and I had just recovered my gear and memmed my spell set when we got auto aggroed from the Avatar of Earth. Man we were just not ready, we lost 5 Main Tanks in seconds, slowers were being splatted on cast again, no one was ready for this. I was at about 5% mana and medding as hard as I could. Finally we got stabilized on a Twink(?) tank, the heal chain stayed on him and I bet he got the thrill of his life most unexpectedly tanking the Avatar of Earth!

I managed to lay a Horror or two and a couple of Mujakis on him but I never had the mana to really lay into him. Once we had the Tank/Cheal stable tho he was always going to go down.
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the object of 4 weeks work by Southern Armada. The Corpse of the Avatar of Earth. The Rathe Council has fallen before the might of the Southern Armada!
And this guy is the result of all that work. *Pop* an Essence of Earth and Grats to everyone who got their Flags!. Three down one to go!
And Grats to Alone X!. The Avatar was kind enough to drop a Sword of Primordial Power. With a Blade of Carnage and your new sword you are going to be an absolute aggro monster! Good on you mate you earned it!
Just to make absolutely sure they were all dead we ran over to the spawn point where I took this shot of an Empty Rathe Council throne!.
Because it makes me feel good, here is another Dead Avatar. 4 weeks work went into this screen shot, crawling ever closer to the goal each time. Failing last week with only seconds to go was just heartbreaking. But we more than made up for it Thursday night!.

This is so very wrong. I still feel dirty, but scrubbing isn't making it go away. Last week a Chanter (who shall remain nameless but Ill get you Wolfe :) ) cast Illusion Halfling on the whole Group. So this is Ulaa as a Halfling. I look much cuter as a DE, but I'm damn cute as a halfling too!. I think next to DE's the halfling female model is deffinitely one of the best looking in the game.
Now it is tradition on Prexus that After a big kill you, or someone else posts on the Prexus server message boards. This was duly done after the RC kill by one of our members. I don't ever post on the rant boards so I am going to have a little rant here.

A couple of weeks ago one or two of our members stepped out of line over a spawn of Coirnav that the Fallen Alliance had engaged. Now Prexus being a FCFS server if FA wants to engage Coirnav with 6 toons entirely naked, then good luck to them. They were there first, they honestly thought they had the numbers to engage, it was their first try, off they went and failed. Shit happens. I would have been happy for them if they had been successful. Jealous but happy.
Unfortunately, as described in the thread, /tells were exchanged, threats made and it all turned into bullshit. I was embarrassed by it all to be honest. It didn't need to happen and taking it up on the Prexus Rant boards was just stupid.

However in the later Grats on RC thread the Guild Leader of Fallen Alliance (who I have grouped with twice and seemed to be a nice person) brings up the old chestnut that Southern Armada is "fed" our strats by Unity. Yes some of our people raid with Unity, no they don't "feed" us strats.

The GL of FA is famous for (or at least he claims to) never reading spoiler sites and coming up with all the Kill strats that his Guild uses purely on his own. Good Luck to him and them, it seems to be working for them. I will say one thing however, if you are going to try and come up with a strat for RC by yourself, I would suggest it will break your guild.
A member of Talionis called Beluyen posted the following in the Rant thread. (Page 2, 9 posts down)

Well, yes - having your members familiar with encounters, know exactly what to do and when, what abilities any given mob has, where to position your raid/the mob for every mob you encounter, including time gods etc is an advantage given to you by Unity. So yes, they helped you win. You yourself said 85% of the guild was elemental flagged before you killed RZ for the first time, are you suggesting Unity didn't help you win that one too? How many SA members are Time flagged already?

Now oddly enough Talionis had at least 20 members of their Guild Backflagged by the Nameless Order before Talionis had killed Coirnav or RC. Can you spell Hypocrite Beluyen?

I would suggest in reply, as any person who has spent more than five minutes Raiding will I think agree, that I can feed you every strat in the game for every mob, yet having those strats still wont guarantee you success. I have been a member of Guilds that if we had had all the strats still couldn't get to where SA is now. Beating the encounters with our numbers requires discipline, skilled players and well led raids.

We haven't been fed anything by anyone. A number of our membership had previously been on Fenin Ro Raids with Unity. We still ended up failing on him 5-6 times till we worked out the positioning and we eventually worked out how to do it differently than Unity. We don't go into encounter's with a strat all laid out before us. Sometimes (like FA did against Coirnav) we will kick off an encounter just to see what happens and then refine from there.

Yes many of our members were Elemental flagged before we killed Rallos Zek. I will however raise three points.

One: we didn't enter the Elemental Planes as a Guild till WE killed Rallos.

Two: Watching someone else do it and doing it yourself is COMPLETELY different. We failed a number of times on Rallos, also by the time we were actually capable of killing Rallos we had to wait a long time for a free spawn as a number of guilds were ahead of us on the hunt to the Elementals.

What this meant was that we spent a lot longer farming in POP than most guilds do. This in turn meant that proportionally SA was better equipped than the average first attempt on RZtW. Thus when we finally got a serious shot at him he died fast. The first time we actually killed him was a non standard Guild raid.

Three: Three maybe four members of SA are Time flagged as far as I know. I'm still waiting on my first Coirnav kill to complete my key. Hell if you want to know the entire history of SA and every single target we have killed for the last 56 weeks start here at week one and read forward.

Yes we went into the RC encounter with some idea of how it worked. We still managed to pull the wrong mobs at the wrong times, we still failed to get MOBs under control properly, we still had to work out how to get and control aggro on the MOBs etc etc. That took us 4 weeks of throwing ourselves at the RC until we finally did it. We crawled a little bit further through the encounter with each try.

Going into an encounter like the RC blind is just insane. You will get owned over and over and over. It is as much a test of patience and perseverance as it is a test of strictly controlled and applied power. So good luck to FA with RC. I really hope you can do it within 4 months of the first time you engage.

Remember one thing. We raid 2 nights a week, not the 5-7 nights a week every other guild, who is at the same level as us raids. (including Fallen Alliance) We are also at the wrong end of a long raid chain that starts on the east coast of the USA about the time most of us get up to go to work. When we get a shot at a MOB we have to make it count, so Maddie, jealous much?.

I would suggest that we have gotten where we are because we have a fantastic Heal team, a superb Pull team, a great set of Officers, excellent raid leaders and a generally older and more mature set of players. I would be very interested to know how many other 2-day a week raid guilds are this close to Time.

Ah well regardless of what idiots and assholes think or say. We know that have gotten where we are on our own merits and the Fish dies next!.
Thursday rolls around. Posts are made on the Guild message board. Coirnav is next. Be there. Initially we had Coirnav tapped to pop in the Plane of Water at around 11:45PM AEST. Now I am 2 hours ahead so we were looking at hoping for an engage at 2:00AM NZ Time. I knew this was going to hurt. I even considered having someone bot me, but after some thought I said " Fuckit I am not missing our on our first kill of anything." I was prepped to hang till I had to go to work and just game straight through if I had to.

So I was extremely happy to logon ( a bit late as I had to do a wee bit of GF factioning ) and see the MOTD saying that Coirnav had already popped and was waiting for us. I expected we would head straight for him but Kez wanted to wait for more people to logon so we headed to the Elemental Plane of Earth for a quick Croc kill.

We decide to do something a little different this time and instead of beating Tantisala Jaggedtooth with Spells and weapons. We did it the fast way and just stuck a Tree through her back.
Next up was a wee jaunt into POEb. This was a very fast clear. We had one wakeup call with Warlord Ginlotaken wiping the raid. We had our first "Cleric camp" call from Kez in a loooooong time. First I knew something was wrong was just after the inc call, I look up and noticed that about half the raid was dead. That's how fast it happened, Ginlotaken is MEAN. We reformed, rezzed up and the next take down was smooth as silk.

However getting wiped by a mob like Ginlotaken is not a good indicator when you are about to go up against one of the toughest encounters in the game. By all accounts Coirnav isn't that hard to kill. He has bugger all HP and sod all resistance's. The problem is getting to him.

If RC is about sustained and specific application of power, then Coirnav is about fast and wild killing yet in a very precise manner. We have never had problems with the DPS section of the encounter, our problem has always been with the control aspects of the encounter prior to actually getting to Coirnav.

To be perfectly honest I was sitting in Coirnav's lair and thinking I would be happy just to actually see FishBoy this time. After the POEb clear we had immediately headed down to Coirnav. I logged out and turned absolutely every graphics option that I could, off. My PC was a really nice one, 2 years ago. I really seriously need to upgrade it, as a place like the Plane Of Water I have to turn everything off just to be able to maneuver properly.

We formed up and Kez and the officers obviously spent a lot of time working out how we were going to do this. The tactics were very slightly changed from last time and I think people had a better idea of how the encounter was going to work this time. Encounters like this one (also like RC) almost require you to go through them multiple times so that each and every person knows their place and what is going to happen.

I was in the pull team again. Having turned off every graphics option I was able to move around a lot more freely this time and felt a lot more confident about my overall role. In fact I felt a whole lot better in general about how I did in this raid. I felt like I managed to contribute and actually make a difference

I got my engage music sorted and good to go and the song of the night was Nicklebacks cover of a Classic Elton John Track - "Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting" (*Hug* in game MP3 player), the raid was taught, questions asked and answered and heart absolutely hammering we were good to go.

I was FD'd in front of the cave as the trigger was pulled over my head. I watched the HP drop on the trigger, trigger died, *Pop* I went into Coirnav's lair. That's all the detail you are going to get!.

The babies were dieing relatively fast, tho the third wave seemed to come in a little slow. At this point I was back with the raid /assist nuking and AOEing with my pathetic little 155 Nuke. What the hell it all helps!.

Named's came inc and the modified strats worked perfectly! Named's were under control and the babies were still dieing. POP Real named's. Servalan you fucking rock. That was one of the best Pulls I have ever seen, it was an absolute work of art. How you did it I will never, ever know, but just wow.

Real named's down. Into the cave!. This is further than we have ever gotten before!. This time we actually get to engage Coirnav!. The BURN call goes up as soon as we get to him. I positioned myself just in front of him but the waves of movement from the main raid just behind me kept moving me,so I ran off to the side a bit and began to cast.

Now I'm not sure if I got pushed into his range by waves of movement or he summoned me. But I got 2 dots on and got splatted. I had LB up, I had 6200 HP and was good to go for major nukeage and I never got to use it.
I zoned back into POK with Coirnav at 80%. Announcements were being called in /GU
Then it went quiet. I'm sitting in front of my PC, nearly 2am, the whole house is asleep, hunched over, fists clenched, stomach rolling over and over, chanting GO GO GO GO GO under my breath. The last few seconds stretched and stretched. I saw:
The last few seconds ticked over agonizingly, I couldn't do anything, had I caused a fail dieing too soon?, would my 6k of LB damage have made all the difference?, were we going to fail in death walk the same way we did with Rydda'Dar and have to do it all again?.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Coirnav the Avatar of Water's Corpse.
The celebrations continued for about 20 minutes with fireworks going off over head the whole time. The sense of relief was almost palapable. We had done it. A journey that started over a year ago with our first killings in the Plane of Innovation was finished. We are now the fifth guild on Prexus to enter the Plane of Time. We are one of only 170 or so guilds (estimated) game wide to have entered Time. In a couple of months or less we will be one of less than 100 Guilds to have Dropped Quarm.

Grats guys, we made it. We are at the very top of the game. Nobody believed that we could do it. Even our fellow ANZAC guild's gave us shit. But we persisted, we perservered and we DID IT!!!! We are in Time.
The celebrations even continued into the Plane of Knowledge!.
I logged off and headed for bed. There was no way in hell I was going to get to sleep and sure enough I spent most of the night before the alarm went off thinking about what we had just done.
Well my day is done. Im going to go out now and have several large beers to celebrate.

NOTE I got home this evening and did the last bit of my Time key (Thank you Gnosie, Xardan and Garaneb for completeing the box!) I then spent a lot of the evening helping other people complete their entry into Time! It was a great feeling to be able to say "Welcome to Time" as each group zoned in for the first time!

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Fifty Five

11/03/04 Week Fifty Five

Another week, another series of runs at the Rathe council. We had two shots on Monday. The first went bad when an unnoticed resist slipped by a Chanter and a Rathe Councilman got lose. End of Chanters. So we reset, had a wee rest, waited for the RC to regen and went again.
I timed this one, it took us a little over an hour to get the 10 RC under control and to pull the 5th for killing. Now depending on whose timer you listened to, we failed to kill the 6th and last RC by 7-30 seconds.
I was sitting in front of my PC all hunched over, punching the air and yelling at my monitor at 2am as I really thought we had it and were about to finally succeed against the RC. Alas it wasn't to be and I logged, disapointed at just after 2AM.

The last attempt was made with 66 people as we had a full group of people leave after the first fail. The ironic thing is that if any one of those people has stayed and contributed DPS, I believe we would have succeeded.

We were so so close. Thursday (Tonight) the RC dies, and then it's on to Coirnav. The thought of dropping both Coirnav and the RC in one night just gets me hard.
Next weeks update will include screenshots of a dead Avatar of Earth and a dead Coirnav.

Well thanks to SOE's complete inability to correctly test anything, we had 3 days of "emergency" patch's. It was widely reported by the people that play on the Test serve, that the pet haste bug had been /bug reported for some time and SOE pushed it to the live servers anyway.

If you aren't going to pay attention to the people who are supposed to be the ones who test stuff, then why bother having a fucking Test server in the first place?

Well we never had enough people online to make an attempt on the RC anyway. I don't know if people read about the patch and decided to not log on or what, but it was a pretty piss poor turnout for what would have been a major kill for SA. So instead of a shot at RC we headed into Fire and POEb and did a bit of Fast farming. Much much Phat Lewtz was handed out and we managed to clear out POEb in less than an hour.

First up was Babnoxis the Spider Bitch in the Elemental Plane of Fire. We were so pissed about losing our raid time to another patch we just out and out ganked her.
Since he was up, we were in zone, and we didn't have a lot of other targets we pulled and killed Druav. Yay another Mezzbreaker. I think the first Elemental item we will ever have rot will be that sword. If I could get Garakk into Fire it would be an awesome twink weapon, but I'm fairly sure all of our mains have it at this point.
Then it was off to the Elemental Plane of Earth and a fast kill of the Mud Ring. We always seem to do Mud, maybe cause its closest and it's a quick kill with decent Lewtz for its difficulty.
We are definitely getting better at POEb as well. We cleared the whole zone of Giant named's in slightly less than an hour.
That was it. Hugely frustrated we all gated out and logged as the servers came down for the 3rd three hour patch in a row. RC dies next Monday!.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Fifty Four

8/03/04 Week FiftyFour
Well there hasn't really been a huge amount of movement this week. The raids on Monday and Thursday can be lumped into one single event. The Rathe Council. Both Monday and Thursday we setup for a run against the Mud Ring as we waited for people to logon. We have this down to a fine art now and the Monsterous Mudwalker died efficiently.
Then came the zone into POEb. Now Monday we fought through the zone to the RC fight spot. Thursday we just avoided it all together and COH'd in. There were many giants killed, much PhatLewtz dropped. Once again I present a Generic Giant 01 as a representative of all the MOB's that died during the fight in.
Finally we made it to the fight spot and set up. This week we threw ourselves at this event three times. Monday once, Thursday twice. Each time we got just a little bit further in. The final attempt on Thursday had us with 10 RC members under control. We were about to pull the 11th when we had a wave of LD's. We managed to keep it together even with the LD's for about a half an hour. But the cascading problems got worse and worse until, after (3 HOURS of solid mezzing) the Chanters finally lost control of one of the MOB's and it was all over.
Big, Huge, Massive props to the Chanters. These guys are standing toe to toe with a MOB that can single round them, they are casting a mezz every 30 seconds or so, attacking the mob to maintain aggro and constantly tashing and they did this for three HOURS during one attempt.! /bow. 
You guys rock!!.

Well next week we get to do it all over again! The Rathe Council MUST die.
We drop the RC, then we drop Coirnav and the bulk of the Guild is Time keyed. Then we can farm the Gods at our leisure, when we aren't in Time. We need to do Xegony, Coirnav and the Rathe Council at least twice each just to prove the first kill's weren't flukes!.

I've done a bit of wandering around in Ferubi lately and I have to say the new MOB's are very cool looking. The zones are boring, all just cut and paste type construction, obviously the days of designing Zones like Guk or Karnors castle are gone. Now its just take texture (A), room type (B), corridor (C), repeat A+B+C ad nauseam.
The Yard trash in the new GOD zones is insanely powerful. they don't seem to have huge resistance's (good), but they hit insanely hard (bad) and they have butt loads of HP (bad). Oh and did I mention they aggro if you even look at them funny?. So multiple mobs in camp are a common occurrence and you must have decent CC even if its just a Necro snaring, pulling the mob away and rooting it.

I can survive a couple of decent smacks from Fire/Earth trash and get an FD off. The basic trash in GOD can one round me.

So another week of the Rathe Council Coming up!.