Sunday, May 25, 2003

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Fourteen

25/05/03 Week Fourteen

Well the week started off Monday night with a relatively relaxed and mellow named killing in Bastion Of Thunder. We were already in the Bastion doing some XP'ing and Gara noted that 3 of the 4 named's were up (Yay Tracking!) he dropped out of the XP group to set up a named killing group. Once the named group was setup I dropped out to join them. First up was Gaukr Sandstorm in Deep South.

After him we invis'd over to Hreidar Lynhillig's house and prepped for him. He knew we had a Pally tanking for us so his back was to the wall from the beginning!.

He put up a good fight, but eventually he gave up and went and stood in the corner like the bad little boy he was. Trying to hide didn't do him any good tho, he died and gave up a Rune!.

Third but not least was Laef Windfall. He gave it up like the girly man he looks like. Prancing round in just a Toga!, he deserves to die!, pervert.

Tuesday was raid day and I was looking forward to it, hoping like hell that we would get another shot at RD. Of course at 4.00PM the companies Gateway fax server fell over. At 4.05PM a server was dumped on my desk and I was told it needed to be built by 6.00PM. Basically this server accounts for 100K$ a day in revenue for the company so it MUST be up and functioning. I got it built by 6.00PM but had to hang out to help with the re-build and configure process. So I didn't get home till about 11.00PM. I did some quick factioning with the GF and logged on.

ALT-G showed me the guild was in Halls of Honor, woot A chance at Rydda'Dar!. I asked in /GU if there was still time to get there and was told, there was. Off to HoH for some Dragon Hunting!. Now we have recently had a few server transfers from The Hand guild on Xev (Welcome Guys!) and we had a couple of people from Unity there, so we had about 10 or so people more than we would normally have had at an attempt at RD.

This Dragon has only been successfully killed on Prexus by 4 other guilds, all of whom are well ahead of us in the race to the Elementals. So for Southern Armada not only was this Revenge, it was a BIG step up. If you haven't guessed by now, not only did we kill him, he was pwnt!


Kiss My Ass Dead Fat Dragon!

And to really rub it in, a close up...

After much rubbing it in, self congratulation and division of PhatLewtz and everyone getting our flags, we headed to the Plane of Innovation and the Manaetic Behemoth to do a bit of back flagging. Behemoth was the old roadblock for us, now we move in and just Nuke him hard and fast. We seem to have a bit of a problem with the post Behemoth spidey control tho as a whole bunch of nasty ass spideys got into his room and went Boom!.

So now all we gotta do is nail Rydda'Dar again to prove it wasn't just a fluke and to backflag those who missed this raid. Once we have done that we will be taking a little visit to the Temple of Marr, where Lord Mithaniel Marr is going to get a Beating!.

During the course of last week I was also awarded a Sharp Claw Ahlspiess which is a nice replacement for my Ceramic Gavel of Justice. The Gavel was a loaner from Neulaelae and so I had to return it rather than hand it in to the guild. I also managed to be awarded a copy of Word of Terris. One little bit iof a rant. I am very happy to have this spell in much the same way I would be very happy to have GDMF. Its not a spell I will probably ever use, but its nice cause it fills out missing spells from my spell book.

This spell is a classic example of the developers at SOE simply not playing the same game as the rest of us. During the recent nerf of charm all the classes charm spells had their resist levels massively reduced as well as the experience gained from using such spells to kill MOB's. Effectively this was a Necromancer nerf. Ah! I hear you say, here comes a typical Necromancer whine!, yet hear me out.

All other charming classes have some form of debuff which enables them to effectively lower the resistance's of any mob they wish to charm. All classes except the Necro. We do not have a useable debuff that would land on any mob we would be likely to actually use this spell on. After the nerf you still see Druids and Chanters charming mobs and then using them to kill other MOBs all over the place. Necro's?, nah, for us this spell is un useable unless the MOB is debuffed by another class first, and even then it breaks fast and alot.

If they didn't want people using this spell to solo and gain fast AA's, all they needed to do was to reduce the XP related to solo use of said spell, in typical SOE fashion they went completely over the top and nerfed the spell into essential uselessness. Grats the back of my spell book.

Ah well, that means I am now only looking for the two spells I actually do want, Blood of Thule and my 65 Pet!. Actually the pet is a better example of the lack of thought that SOE uses when it comes to EQ. They say they want people to group rather than solo, yet by adding a 12 pt DS to the 65 pet they have effectively aided the soloists and farmers without helping grouping Necro's one bit. How the hell is a 12pt DS going to help my pet in POP?. If my pet becomes the focus of any thing's attention in any POP zone it will last about 2 ticks, 12 seconds or so. And no 12 point DS is going to help it one bit.

Yet this same 65 pet, the absolute penultimate Necromancer pet in the game, hits at the same frequency, for the same amount, with the same atk level as the 61 pet. To all intents and purposes it IS the 61 pet. But now it has a 12 point DS. I ask you, why do they even fucking bother?. They were doing a great job of ignoring the Necromancer communities proofs that the 65 pet was sub standard, just like they did the 59 pet for near 2 years. I still really want this pet, why?. Because. As I said above, it is the Necromancer's ultimate pet!

If they seriously wanted to do something to upgrade the pet it was an easy fix. Give it the same damage as the 63 pet does from the rear, but from any angle. So the pet progression would look more like 61=Warrior ( good if you do need tankage) 63= Rogue (good for groups) 65=Monk (Good for raids and for groups due to decent HP, AC, resist and sheer DPS, still not useable to solo tank with in POP). Its really not fucking rocket science.

Friday was one of those raids where you look back on it afterwards and think "Now thats why I moved to Prexus and joined Southern Armada". We started out with a quick Shei kill in Akheva Ruins just to get the blood pumping.

Shei Vinitras

I remember seeing the stats on a Flowing Gossamer Cloak back when I was on Karana. I never ever believed I would one day own one!. Yup Shei was kind enough top let me have it from his broken and bleeding body!. On the way in Xardan was also kind enough to let me have my Pet!. I really really appreciate that, because I know how much that particular spell still sells for on Prexus and I know what he passed up to give it to me. /bow Xardan, thank you mate.

From Shei it was onto Halls of Honor for another shot at Rydda'Dar. Now I was a little apprehensive about this kill, we had done it once, could we do it again?, or was the first time round just a fluke?. I needn't have worried. Not only did we nail that fat Dragon bastard, we did it with STYLE!.


After that there was some Villagers needed rescuing. Much like the Princess it is my opinion that these villagers must be particularly stupid as they do seem to need rescuing. a lot!.

First ya kill this guy...

Then a whole lot of these guys spawn...

once you have killed all of them, then a named spawns, kill him and Voila! a flag!.

At this point it was getting fairly late and people were beginning to get tired. It was getting on to Midnight for me as well, but its Friday and its raid night so I don't care!. The GF has long gone to bed and its just me and the Raid out killing stuff. So we figured lets go kill us some Zeks!, Yup both of them up at the same time!.

So off to Plane of Tactics, form up, race in, engage, *sigh* well I lasted 20 seconds against Tallon this time. People are even warning the Raid, stay away from Ulaa!. I have survived one damn fight against the bugger, I think I'll just Nuke from now on.

Tallon Zek

Next up was big brother Vallon, everybody was home tonight!. Vallon is a fun fight, I always enjoy it cause its an in your face sort of fight. To me its a good test of a guilds discipline, because its in such a tight area its a kind of one slip and your Raid is dead type of fight.

Vallon Zek preparing to engage

Vallon Zek trying to cheat and bring his buddies!

The result of cheating!

I know the pics are shite but its dark in that damn room!.At this point a lot of people left, I was still hyped so i stayed and we headed down into the dungeons of Tactics to kill a mob I've never seen!. Zone into Tactics, drop down into the pit, kill a lot of nasty mobs...

and finally you get to a big room that I think is supposed to be an armory. I don't know if it is, but there was a lot of this stuff hanging around the walls of the room...

Damn if only the armour on my froggy twink looked half as good as that!!. Oh well. One thing that does suck, around this room are scattered a bunch of NPC's who are Non-KOS to everyone, unless you have some sort of illusion up. If you have any kind of illusion form on you they will attack. NOOOOOOOOO!!, damn it no Seduction of Saryn! All the Necro's in the raid were spitting tacks in Necro channel, we HATED not having SoS up!. We all felt like Wizzies having to rely on KEI and VOQ, it sucked ass.

Oh well Targrin Maldric died anyway...

and on the way out so did his pal Glykus Helmir.

I may be a bit confused as to who/what we were killing at this point. There was a lot of whiskey and it was about 2.30AM, so if I am wrong, let me know. One last thing, quick update I know but its been a hell week at work. I REALLY want one of these pets!!

Thursday, May 22, 2003

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Thirteen

22/05/03 Week Thirteen

Normally I would be swearing and cursing at SOE for them patching on a raid day. However, not this week, this week I love them. We all logged in on Tuesday and there was much killing goodness to be had. First up was Ssraeshza Temple and the bad, evil snakes. We all got there in just about record time and formed up for a quick shot at Rhag Mozdezh (AKA Rhag2)

Now when I was on Karana I used to dream about killing this guy as he dropped my Spell the most often. I researched him, read up on him, talked to people about him, all in the hopes that one day I would get to kill him. This week, not only did he die, he died good and fast as well.


Most of Ssrae is perma dead on Prexus so we figured while we were in the zone we may as well do our best to clear out all the named's. Close by we could see Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune cast messages and we had never killed him. So we ran to his room, prepped up, got very very ready, made sure we all knew what we were doing, went over the strat again, double checked to make sure we all knew what we were doing, engaged and GANKED the motherfucker.

Another dead Snake

The tanks had one standard comment all night, they repeated it for every single target "I thought this guy was hard?", Snakes 0 Southern Armada 2. Next up was Xerkizh the Creator. He knew what was coming and if he wasn't perma-rooted he would have been running away screaming like a little girlie. As it was, he couldn't run away and we keeled heem deaded.

A fat girlie snake ready to die

That was about it for Ssra, nothing else was left to gank. We even killed all the key bearing stuff on the way in and out. Pretty much all the loot so far had been Monk/Wis caster stuff and much grumbling was being heard from the Tanks. The Little Red Fire Engine was even heard to mumble "Grunt, grunt, dribble, whine, moan, grunt!" (What do you expect he is a Tank after all?!) So it was decided by the all powerful Kez (We worship at his feet!) that we would head off to say hi to Seru again.

So after a wee run and a bit of Portage we assembled in Seru and ran in to his room.We killed him in about half the time we took last time and I don't think anyone died. The Guild Necro channel was used to great effect to work out who was casting what on whom and when. It worked damn well and Team Funeral Pyre decimated Seru. In most fights the Nec's get to cast a couple of dots but very very rarely ever run out of mana. On this one I ran out of mana and had to sit to med.

ZevFeers Theft of Vitae on Seru to keep the group and me healed. Funeral Pyre (WOOT!) Dark Plague, Ebolt, running in a constant cycle with LOTS of FD'ing in between to keep Aggro on the tanks. But this time it went absolutely perfect, not one single problem.

Lord Inquisitor Seru waiting for us

Seru, waving to Genosin and running over to us eager to be Ganked!!

Then he finds out why Ssrae is terrified of Southern Armada...

And that was the end of Monday night. What a Blast!. Its obvious that SOE has been reading our MB as they have scheduled another patch for Thursday, so Friday's raid is going to rock as well!.

Friday we found out someone else had already killed Seru, Bastards!. So we had to settle for a bit of Akheva Ruins Pharmage. First up was our old friend The Itraer Vius. He was kind enough to drop a rather awesome Ranger Stick which all of our Rangers were just too damn Uber to want!

Since we were there, and he was as well, Shei Vinitras died and kindly left me his Mantle.

Then it was off to Halls of Honor again for our weekly shot at Rydda'Dar. I Really Fucking Hate This Fucking Dragon.

Rydda'Dar 5
Southern Armada 0

Now the trick with Rydda'Dar for a Necro, is to stay alive, yet to be absolutely skirting the edge of summoning (Did I mention I have Funeral Pyre? WOOT!). You want to be pumping out as much damage as you can without over-aggroing. Its a very fine line believe me. So I'm in there, I'm landing DOT's all over the place, throwing out Taps and Nukes, he starts to go down really fast, then his HP droppage slows down, but its still dropping. He is at 1% woot!, fire off a Neurotoxin, Interrupted, Neuro, Interrupted, Low on HP, switch to a Touch of Mujaki, Interrupted, summoned, dead.

I zone back to bind, he is in Deathwalk at 0% but he didn't die. I was on my knee's in front of my desk banging my head against my keyboard in frustration. I'm glad I had all that whiskey cause it didn't hurt, much. Zero fucking percent. Unbelievable. I Hate That Fucking Dragon.

So we decided to head over and save the Princess. She must be a particularly stupid bitch as she seems to need saving a lot. I didn't get a whole bunch o Pic's just the one of the last twit

Freegan Haun

Then it was off to Plane of Tactics to lay a smackdown on Tallon Zek. This is another encounter that frustrates the hell out of me. I always die. I think I have survived one encounter with him. I cannot figure out why, I always watch where the next arrow is going, I run around after each cast, I avoid the clerics and the MT, I FD after every cast, I try and stay away from any other players. Yet somewhere in the fight I always get LOADING PLEASE WAIT...

Its a fun fight and I always really enjoy it, yet I cannot seem to survive it. I gotta keep turning up for it cause he drops my necklace. Most high level Casters are desperately after FT Items. Necros don't really care about FT (Its nice but I don't get Hard over it) but regen, oooo regen!, now that gets me all excited. Regen, DROOOOOLLL.One of these days I guess.

And lastly but certainly not least, the powers that be have decreed that we are going to kill the Emperor, so I have spent every session where I would normally be XP'ing in Ssrae farming for Emperor Key bits. At the moment if Im not in Ssrae then Im in various Luclin zones farming for Vex Thal Key Shards. I currently have zero Emp Key Bits and Six VT Shards. Im doing well on the VT shards but have lost roll's on 4 Emp key pieces. Oh well it isnt called a time sink for nothing.

So there will be lots of these guys in my Future.

Royal Guard

Monday, May 19, 2003

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Twelve

19/05/03 Week Twelve

Well my 3 month anniversary on Prexus came and went with pretty much a mixed bag. Lots of SOE patches kind of fucked up the raid schedule so the week was kind of "Bitsy". It started off Monday night with a wee visit to Halls of Honor to do a loot trial. Executed flawlessly by SA the nasty swine holding the Princess captive got nailed.

These guys die a lot

I am not going to make a comment on the next fight other than Rydda'Dar must DIE! I hate this fucking Dragon.

Rydda'Dar 4 SA 0

After that one, a lot of people left. I think RD kind of depresses people when we wipe. Especially when we get him so damn close (10% this time) and still fail. We are perfectly capable of killing him, I think we just need a little bit of luck and some further refinement of Strategy and we should be good to take him down.

Anyway. We made our first Guild attempt on Agnarrs Tower in Bastion of Thunder as well. I'm actually a little pissed that you in fact have to SAVE Karana. I know I was personally looking forward to ganking Karana over and over and over for all the hours I have spent lost in his fucking rain. We tried it with about 30 people. It didn't go so well and after the CR at 1:30AM I logged.

Evynd Firestorm

Next scheduled raid was changed to Thursday as they had a patch on Wednesday. Of course they decided to have an emergency patch on Thursday as well *sigh*. so we all logged in anyway and ran off to Ruins of Lxanvom for a little bit of Paffa maiming.

Overlord Banford Paffa

Since we still had about 20 minutes before the patch we figured what the hell and did a wee named trawl through COD.

Plague Lord Hetral

Assasin Kakoo

Shortly after that the servers came down. I logged for the night, I tried to get on a bit later but got "servers congested" for half an hour and went to bed.

Friday dawned bright and clear after a patch and I logged in at 9pm. Friday's raid was an unusual one for me, as I had a mate come over to check out EQ. He has been hearing me bitch moan and whine about EQ for years and finally decided to come and have a look. I told him any raid night was going to be best. So about 8.30 he showed up clutching a couple of bottles of coke, for which I was able to provide a lot of whisky.

We settled down for a few drinkies and saddled up for the raid. First hit was in Akheva Ruins and Shei Vinitras, on the way through we ganked The Insanity Crawler instead of our usual hit of the Itraer Vius (Mainly cause IV wasn't up).

Insanity Crawler

Shei Vinitras

Then it was off to a new zone for me, Sanctus Seru. I have entered the zone once before to do a CR for a guildie but I have never ventured more than 10 feet or so from zone in. Not only that we were about to do one of the legendary Mob's. It is said in EQ Lore that if you can kill Lord Inquisitor Seru then you can definitely kill the Emperor of Ssraeshza Temple. Basically this is the kind of thing I signed up for.

On Karana I had never even entered the zone, Sanctus Seru, On Prexus I was not only zoning in, we were about to kill Seru just to see if we could!. Well guess what, its a long ass fight, and he is DEAD!. I was rezzed back in half way through the fight before it was pointed out to me that Zevfeers theft of Vitae will stick on him. But he is dead and now officially on the list of Gankable Mob's.

Lord Inquisitor Seru before...

It was an unusual fight only in that it took so long to get to him and set up for the kill. Normally we just kind of run in and spend about 10 mins pre-fight buffing and go. So my mate was sitting there saying " what, this is it?, 30 mins of staring at a screen? this is what you have been talking about for 4 years?" I assured him that this was an unusual situation and we continued on.

After some AWESOME PhatLewtz, (the Little Red Fire Engine got some crap blade in recognition of his fine dieing skills, he seemed pleased with it :) Grats Mate!) was awarded by Kez (here Horsie Horsie come to the nice Necromancer) we all spammed screens with gratz's and headed to the Plane of Tactics to send greetings from Southern Armada to the Zek Brothers. First up was Tallon Zek. At this point we only had about 26 people left and we wiped with him at 1% hahahahaha. It was ok, he only escaped death by about 10 minutes as we went right back in and nailed him anyway with 3 fewer people.

Tallon Zek

I logged before the second attempt. Myself and my mate had been drinking fairly heavily at this point and I could barely see the screen. So I logged about 2:30 am and pretty much fell asleep on the keyboard.

Logged in Saturday to do some XPing, which I did and am damn close to ND3, and since the GF was out decided to join an SA pickup raid to Sanctus Seru to kill a few named's. The three named's also have the potential to drop a Horsie (albeit not as nice a one was the Lord Inquisitor.) but a Horsie none the less. After my experience there over the next 6 hours I have to say that Sanctus Seru is one of the nastiest, buggiest, most unpleasant zones to enter I have ever experienced in EQ. If you have any plans to go there, my advice is, don't.

Praesertum Rhugol

Behind the pets is Praesertum Vantorus

Praesertum Bikun

For the crappiness of the Zone and the shittyness of the drops I would personally happily never go anywhere near this place again. However as a couple of Guildies still need to finish the Earring of Veracity quests I guess there will probably one or two more trips back there. Oh well I must be close to maxxing Katta positive faction. I'll be chucked out of the Necromancers Union for that.

After Seru we headed off to do some 3rd floor farming in Ssraeshza Temple. We are after a couple of Keys to the Emperor. Why I hear you ask?. I don't know ask the Officers. Where they say go, there goeth I!. I can hope its cause we are going to put the big hurt on the Fat Snake himself!!. I didn't get a key part as I had to log. It was 1:30am and I had been telling the GF I would be off "In just a minute" for an hour and a half. Hopefully I may be able to get one next time.

Ssraeshza Temple

Snake Guards

Advisor Zekuzh

So for me it was the end of the week. I know SA also dropped AOW and Statue on Thursday but I missed that one as I couldn't get on.

Oh and somewhere in there (Monday I think) An Evolved Burrower died as well.