A short night this one. After last weeks fiasco we decided to go the other way round this time and approach the entrance wing from the rear. We have never done this before and figured it would present us with some challenges. We headed in and handled Akym the Assassin quickly.

One of Vicus little tricks is a forward punt of the main tank. He pushes the tank hard, in the direction the tank is facing. So if you don't hit the forward surface dead on, you ricochet and can literally end up anywhere. The first couple of punts I was fine, ended up in exactly the right position against the wall, ran back and kept at it. Then the first adds appeared and just as they were being handled, he punts me, I ricochet and end up inside the little tunnel where the slimes live. I don't have time or options, I run back and re-engage him. Of course the little slime comes with me, peels off and starts to beat the shite out of the healers. Now I should say we are trying to do this with only two tanks, me MT and Nym off tanking, so there wasn't anyone available to pick up the slime in time. Wipe.
The third time we were getting very very close to repop time. We pulled and had him under control, he was slowly dropping when we lost control of an add. Wipe and now its so late there really isn't a chance for another shot at him. Like I said, take him from the other side so that you have space to work with him, pulling him into the slime filled tunnel is definitely painful.
Thursday 05.03.08
So weeks are just weird, last week we couldn't kill Enraged, he just would not stay stuck on the Tanks. This week we breezed through the Cartheon wing with no problems. Only place we got stuck was in the cages with the rapid re-spawn. First to die of course was Izemgeli the Lawkeeper. He is quite a fun fight, of course you always want to fight him in a tunnel...

Finally after much cajoling by Zarthaz, the SA pull team, he was inbound. Vahsren the Librarian gets stuck on everything, if there is the smallest obstacle he gets stuck and heads back on his long walk, the best way to pull him is to wait for him to path past the room and then kill him. The problem of course is that he is on such a long path, that waiting for him is very boring if you get the timing wrong. Not really a lot for me to do in this fight, life tap occasionally, if I'm feeling daring I will drop a dot on him, that's about it. I am hoping that with the new spells coming in GU4 I will have a few more tricks to throw at him.

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