I was late again dammit. I was all sorted out to be at the raid by 7:30 and for some reason my ADSL link dropped for about 15 minutes, repeated reboots of the router and NIC didn't help so it was after 8:00pm before I made it to the raid. We formed up quick and moved in even quicker. It was easily the best start so far. We were almost at the x83 before we lost anyone at all. The timers weren't up on X83 or X77 so we didn't get a shot at them. R5 died in the usual fashion and we headed straight for the General. R5 has an awesome sword. I have seen another Dreadknight carrying one and the Graphic is fantastic. He just doesnt seem to want to drop it for us.
We formed up and I was designated Main Tank for this fight. Ive revised my reasons for that, I think I'm main tank because the Warriors have better snap aggro and its them we have to rely on to maneuver the Adds as they pop. Who cares, MT'ing this guy is an absolute blast, in fact MT'ing anything is huge fun, I'm so glad I decided to switch back to tanking from being a caster. In this fight all I have to do is stay concentrated on pumping out as much aggro as I can generate and watching my HP for the occasional use of a Rune.
The first run against Vicus was really a tester, getting out feet wet to see how we would handle the fight. He went down to 56% and we wiped when I died and Vicus got loose in the healers. Once the healers go down its a dead raid. This fight got a bit exciting as someone aggroed him off me and I had to do some fast taunting and maneuvering to hold him and get him back in place.

You know the saying third times the charm?. We set up and pulled. Mezzers had the adds as soon as they popped, the off tanks put the adds exactly where we wanted them and the DPS laid the serious smack on Vicus. We got through the first wave, Vicus is down to 50%, lost two healers, its all good, battle rez and keep going. Sort the adds and lay the big bang down on him again. At the end of the second wave he is at about 10%. So with a pet, me , dots and nukes from everyone else we stay on him as they deal with the third wave. The raid drops the first add and its decided that we would lay the smack on him and just keep the add mezzed.
At 3% I finally took a screenie, he seemed to have been hanging there forever, healing was really good and DPS was beginning to chop into him. I knew we had him. Its a weird feeling, I had been so concentrated on holding him in place and maintaining aggro for so long that when he finally dropped I had a massive surge of adrenalin. What A Buzz!.

Since we had about an hour to kill at this point we decided to push further in to the zone and see what we could see. We made it up to Archon Travix and stopped there to set up to engage. He has a tricky pull to clear the entrance to his lair. I think we were all getting tired at this point and we couldnt quite co-ordinate the effort effectively. We wiped twice and at that point it was time for me to turn into a pumpkin and head for beddy byes.
One of two Quotes of the week:
" That was so much fun I let a little bit of pee out"
Aegis after the death of Vicus
Thursday 30.01.08
We formed up quickly (I had parked myself outside so I didnt have to run for miles). The devs have stated that in GU4 they are planning on re-arranging the Riftways to make them more useful. I so hope they put one down near APW. The run all the way from the northern elf Village everytime for raids is a pain. I can understand wanting to make the world seem bigger, absolutely, I'm against insta ports everywhere. But having to run down there 2 days a week is making me want to stay there and not log on for general play. So Ulaa stays parked outside the APW Gates all the time. X83 , X77 and R5 died easy and fast. We lost one person on X83 apart from that they were all perfect kills.
Enraged X83, being enragey

Standing outside a zone, waiting to see what happens in an engagement sucks. You cant see whats going on or how everything is going, you can hear whats happening in the voice channel but cant contribute. I imagine its like listening to sport on the raidio, its a very poor subsititute to actually being there. We had an add, it was offtanked, Nymeria went down. Garbar is now tanking named and add.
Quote of the Week Two:
"Get a Tank on that add"
Xardan, not seeming to realise 3 of his 4 tanks were standing at zone in...
It didnt matter, we had the skinny bastard, he was going down. He was at 20% when we had back spawn adds pop and take out our heals within seconds. That was that. It doesnt matter, we know we can take him and hopefully once he is down we are fairly close to the hub!.