Well the early week didn't go well for SA. First off we headed to Akheva Ruins to have a go at our old mate Shei. Of course the Itraer Vius died on the way and kindly dropped the monky thingy.
We did a lot better than last time but still got nailed. As my guild Leader put it so eloquently in a wrap up discussion of the fight: "I (Kezlar) will personally spit on his corpse when we drop him" and I (Ulaa) will clear the way and polish up the corpse so you can mate. This little bastard is going down next time!.
So then it was off to POTactics for a charge against Tallon Zek. I really like the POTactics zone. Its one of the best looking zones in the game in my not so humble opinion. The new mobs in there are cool as well. Here are a couple of mobs we ran into on the way to TZ. Diaku Elite Sentry, Diaku Elite Guard, Hendin Deathbringer, Hendin Assassin and Gindan Flayer. Its a pity those weapons they are carrying have such crap stats cause they look cool!.
Now we only had 32 people at the time so the actual chances of us dropping him I think were slim to none. But it was our first run at him, so as a learning process it was great. I died early on in the first attempt * Damn that AOE is NASTY!!* and had to log. SA went at him a second time with about 28 people and took him down to 80%, so he is definitely doable by us.
The following raid day was a lot better. We headed off to POTactics again cause the Diaku Overseer was up. Again it was our first run at him, the AOE rampage caught us by surprise a little and we wiped the first time. The second time he fell over like he never engaged at all. Bloody AOE got me twice. I couldn't back up any further or I would have been outside and aggroing the wanderers *BAD idea*. However he was kind enough to drop the Blood Bladed Dagger for me. I don't think anyone else wanted it *grin* Thank you Kez!
So after the Diaku Overseer bowed before us we went off to the Deep for a warm-up against the Burrower.
All the wizzies were away, we have no mages, he still died. I think we could do this with about 20 people!. Since we were in the zone and he was lolly gagging around and stinking up the place, the Thought Horror Overfiend was next on the list. Of course a lot of Elder Thought Horror's decided to get in the way. We convinced them this was a bad idea.
We smacked the Elders around and soon enough the THO was in the process of snuffing it.
I still think he is one of the coolest looking Mobs in the game!. During the fight it was announced that Prexus was coming down in 30 minutes. So we killed him, looted and were on our way out when the damn zone crashed. It looked like we were in danger of losing all the PhatLewtz! that he dropped due to a roll back. But the Prexus GM/Guide staff did the right thing and everybody got their Loot back.
That was kind of the end of it for the night. We had one more impromptu raid on Saturday evening. We decided to have a go at the Ring of Slime event in Cazic Thule. Basically you kill 3 triggered MoB's one of which is an Acidic Mass. If you ever want to do this ring, bring along a LOT of DPS. We did it with 2 groups. This fat swine has a LOT of hp. I have seen it estimated at 1 million points and I would be tempted to agree.
I had to log after this kill. I was buggered, buying a house is a long and stressfull process. So I just needed sometime way from it all. Everyone was out on Saturday night, so I calmed myself with a few Rum and Cokes and watched crap TV for a few hours. It was a very pleasant evening. Sunday I was doing some XPing in the Pit (Plane of tactics) with some guildies (thanks for the group guys its fantastic XP in there) and got a few more Screen shots of some cool looking MOBs, so here they are. A Warboar is first. Anyone who has ever been pig hunting will appreciate just how nasty these things can be.
And a War Wraith.
Now the Little Red Fire Engine has taken to calling this unbiased, well written, well researched and perfectly accurate web site - "www.ulaaslies.com". Now since he is claiming I am lieing, I am going to have to PROVE that the little red fire engine still knows he can, and one day will survive a fight with an orc camp. So from now on I will try and get screen shots of any Little Red Fire Engine deaths I am present for. And so, thus is born the Deaths of the Little Red Fire Engine web page!
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