Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Seventy Two

07/07/04 Week Seventy Two
Clean up day. The remaining three Time Gods were rounded up and and disposed of.
Quarm. This fight is definitely getting faster. We felt a little shaky in part but I never thought we ever really looked like failing.
SOE was supposed to have patched last week but they delayed it for a further week in order to do more testing so it was due to fall on the Wednesday. This is part of the "New and Improved" SOE who actually give a shit about things like patching working code, so I was reasonably happy that the patch was delayed. Wednesday rolled around and they duly took the servers down and patched.

I logged on on Thursday and the word on the server was the patch had probably broken more than it had fixed (Damn aren't we glad they "tested" it first) so we knew that there was going to be the usual "Patch for the patch" . So Thursdays raid was cancelled and we were all going to be good to go for the Friday.

Of course the Thursday patch didn't work, so there was a Friday patch, a "patch for the patch for the patch" so to speak. Damn the testing must have been absolutely superb!.
So the usual two Southern Armada raids a week were reduced to a paltry one. The only bright spark was that due to us not "cleaning" up Time in the usual fashion, we were going to have a full pop from Tier 1 to Quarm on Monday. So our first full Time clear attempt was going to happen next week!

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