Monday, June 14, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Sixty Eight

14/06/04 Week Sixty Eight
We just utterly blitzed Time this week. We didn't have more than the usual amount of people, we just seem to have gotten it down. One advantage was that finally walling did seem to be fixed and that I think made all the difference.
We cleared through Tier 1,2,3 in a blistering speed. Once we hit Tier 4 we lined up the Gods and we smashed them down.
In order of appearance:
Only two Gods have caused us any kind of issue lately, Rallos Zek and Innoruuk. The major reason for this I have come to believe is because we couldn't wall them. Now that the warping issue have been fixed, in Mondays run at him we just utterly gimped Rallos. He went into the corner, he stayed there and he died as smooth as silk.

No more problems trying to balance him in the middle of the room and keep him away from walls. No more issues trying to keep adds out of the tank group as they walk Rallos around the room. We were still able to kill Rallos before we could wall him, it was just a hell of a lot harder.

Rallos is now officially the bitch of Southern Armada and will be made to lick Kezlars boots for inconveniencing us at every opportunity.
The fat bastard is definitely on the farm list. And to prove it he gave up our first plate BP. Grats to Pooby!
May he give up many more to all our tanks!.
Now I was going to do a "State of the Game". I have spent the last few weeks writing it up, re reading it, polishing it, thinking about it, tweaking it and polishing it more. Then this morning Warlock synced the live site vs the Dev one and that page is no more. 2 weeks work down the twister, damn. So I am still going to do one, but its going to be delayed a little longer.

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