Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Sixty Two

21/04/04 Week SixtyTwo
I hate Coirnav.
Big fat fishy swine that he is. Its not the fight I hate, the fight itself is a hell of a lot of fun. Its not the difficulty of maneuvering in the water, its not the lag, its the 2 hours setting up to actually start the fight. I hope, I pray that we will never ever be doing this fight again.
It went well and I think was possibly the fastest kill of Coirnav we have ever done. I believe that he died inside 1 minute this time.
Squiddy waiting to die
Dead fat Squid bastard
Coirnav died fast and dropped some decent Lewtz for once. I think we were still waiting on our Time instance to time out so instead of heading to Time we headed to Ferubi to try out the Smith Rondo event. Now this is a kind of bypass for the first 1-4 Trials in the Gates of Discord expansion. If your guild can complete this event, you can hail the ghost and you don't have to do the first 4 trials.

Now I've been told that most of the other Time Guilds on Prexus have wiped against this guy when trying him for the first time. We had a few hiccups but it really didn't seem that tough a kill to me. The only real problems we had were keeping the non-Mezzable add under control. But the off tanks stepped up, secondary healers kicked in and it was all good. He hits hard yes, he has lots of HP yes, but I couldn't see why he was considered to be tougher than an elemental God?.

I have spent the rest of the week trying to organise a run through Trials 5 and 6 to complete entry into GOD Tier 2. So far I am having no luck with multiple fails under my belt. The biggest problem I have is that these trials take 4-6 hours, I start to try and organise a trial group when I logon. But the people I need to make a successful trial group don't login till 9-10pm my time. I cant start a 4 hour trial that's going to finish at 2:00am. So I'm going to do my best to set one up for a saturday.

Anyway, I didn't get any shots of him as he is a relatively boring model of a male Erudite. That was it for me for the night. It was a relatively early logoff, being around 1:30am but there really didn't seem to be anything else up.

Now Weapon Master Vtiink Vzaan is one of the named's that pop during the Smith Rondo event. The big bitch was kind enough to drop a Muramite Plated Bracer and the officers were kind enough to award it to me!. Now this is a truly awesome bracer for a necro with both HP and Mana Regen and I am as stoked as I can be with it.

I am however going to have a rant. I have been trying to replace two things for ages. My Legs and my Robe both suck ass. They are easily my weakest pieces. Now I have kind of being holding off on loot lately hoping for a silk legs drop and then maybe a break into Time tier 5 and a Miraguls Robe. I have passed on cloaks, necks, primaries etc etc all in the hope of a Robe and Legs.

However now that I have broken down and requested and received the bracer, there is a little known piece of code buried deep in the Everquest executable that will run.

If Ulaa (received).Lewtz < Date.Week
GuildMob.Kill (next)
Drop *.Legs

Now I dunno why but it seems to work. Every time I go for and receive a great item, virtually the next thing to drop will be legs!. Ah well. NOTE: Plate Legs dropped in Tier 3 in Mondays Time run. See the code does exist!

Friday, which I was looking forward to in a big way just turned into absolute shite. At first I thought it was just us being crap again, but subsequent events led me to believe that it was in fact shitty international links. Basically we crapped our way through the Tier 1 events with several of the groups wiping, fire wiped twice in fact. We had to abandon the Tier 1 trials in the end and simply waited for the reset.

Second time round we were still lumpy but but we slowly made our way through. Finally we dropped the last mob in Tier 1 and Tier 2 opened up for us. That's when it all really turned to shit. We had groups wiping all over the place, mobs warping to us, bad pulls, "Ghosts" pulling mobs on top of groups. It all culminated in literally half the guild going LD at the same time. I didn't go LD at this point (unusual for me I know!) but I was getting massive lag with my meter redlining for minutes at a time.

We were about to clear the last mobs in Tier 2 when the mass link death happened. That was pretty much it for Time as I don't think the raid leaders figured this was going to be worth it. The guild was forming up at ZI and discussing where to go next when I went LD. I still don't know what caused it. I could reach any server local to me IE in New Zealand, but I couldn't see anything beyond the international routers. I think someone tripped over the plug.

I gave up about an hour later when I still couldn't get to the eqservers. SA went on to clear out POEb and had a reasonable loot night. It was still damn disappointing tho

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