Look its really simple. If you are NOT flagged for the the Sol Ro zone then you can get into the zone with the 85/15 raid rule. This rule will ALSO allow you to get into the Chamber of Sol Ro. However, once you get into the Chamber and disband from the raid if you are NOT flagged for the ZONE you must log out to a twink, or log in and out continuously before the 3 minute warning is up. Once everyone is invited into the chamber then you can be invited to the raid safely.
If you are flagged for the Sol Ro Zone, you only need to get into the Chamber under the 85/15 rule. Once you are IN the Chamber you can disband and just sit and wait for the next set of instructions as you will NOT get the 3 minute warning.
Its not bloody rocket science.
As you can probably tell I was a little frustrated at last Monday nights raid. Pay attention, listen to the raid leaders and if you get aggro stand and fucking DIE. After about an hour or two's pissing about we finally managed to get everyone into his chamber.
He was waiting for us and this time the bastard had a sneaky plan!. His plan involved running throughout the raid and randomly smacking people down instead of focusing on Pooby. Unfortunately his plan was better than our plan and it was "Camp the Clerics". We reformed fast, dropped the repops and pulled him again.
This time he died and not a bad attempt for a raid of 43 I thought. We handed out the PhatLewtz and headed out to the Elemental Plane of Water. I must admit I breathed a sigh of relief as I thought we were going to go and do Plane Of Earth rings.
Now although POE is boring due to the hours and bloody hours of clearing trash, POW is just an insane lag fest. I am going to have to spend a couple of thousand dollars to update my PC just to be able to raid in there.
First up we went for Hydrotha. He is a right pain in the ass because he has this nasty tendency to blind the MT and then bloody move. It makes it rather hard for the MT to hold aggro. We had gained a few people after the Sol Ro kill but we had lost a few as well, so we went into the fight with about 45-50 people in the raid.

Once again we needed to feed Main Tanks to the MOB and at the point we were about to feed him Pallies he died. According to EQWatcher I managed to do about 55K on him *grin*. Kez called for an emergency Rez of the MT's "eyes". I sat, memmed Rez, waited for Refresh, cast, and about 2 seconds later got a tell from a fellow Necro saying "I have rezzed him", err bugger, so did I. I wonder if he got a 100% xp rez as he was rezzed twice?.
At this point due to all the pissing about during the SolRo fight, and the fact that Aussie is now 3 hours behind me so the Raid doesn't start till 10PM my time, it was getting bloody late. I hung in for one last mini named A Hraquis Arch Magus (I think that was the name). We dropped him with ease. SA went on to do another mini I believe.

Raid night this week was supposed to be tonight (Thursday), fortunately the folks over at SOE have decided to have a patch tonight, so the raid has been moved to Friday night. Now this can be good and bad, sometimes when we logon after a patch the big American guilds have left us something, or sometimes we are just well placed for repops. At other times there is just absolutely nothing up. Its pure luck, but no matter what is up, we will find it and we will kill it, even if we have to do it with only half the people you are "supposed" to have for that fight.
We will find out Friday night I guess!. Me and my whisky bottle will be there!.
Nothing stops the Armada.
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