Every now and again you have a raid that just reaffirms your faith in raiding and EQ in general, Monday night was such a raid. First up is the becoming traditional beat down of Solusek Ro. We formed up in SolRo's tower and cleared the trash up to the tower itself and began the long and tedious process of zoning in. After about 40 minutes and at least 2 raid reforms we finally managed to get everyone into the Chamber.
He knows us now, he knows what's coming
Trying to pretend he isn't scared as he is tanked by an SA Cleric! The Warriors had all gotten bored and gone AFK
He turned to run, it didn't help he died. *sad*
Once again we were a "light" raid and dropped him with about 55. I couldn't believe it, he dropped The Orb of the Sun and no-one wanted it!. Kez had to force a Wizzie to take it!. Damn they Wizzies is just too uber!. Hell I'm still chasing a Wizzies HP total as he is the highest HP dress wearer in the guild! *Grumble* Gnomes are against nature *Grumble*
So once Mr Ro had snuffed it there was a veritable array of killing goodness up and the officers sent out the scouts to see what we wanted to do. After about 5 minutes, enough time to dump a bunch of trade skill stuff I had collected in LDoN groups to Xardan, the raid was called to the Elemental Plane of Fire (damn I love saying that, SA raids in POF woot! *happy dance* )
We zoned in and ran to the west wall spot, beyond the first castle. We even managed to make it with absolutely minimal deaths. Usually there are at least 10-15 people who die in that run when I have done it with Unity, but we made it there pretty clean. We formed up, Kez called the strat, which was ultimately "Kill him before he kills us!", and with no further ado the Pull Team had Magmaton Incoming! Now this guy is unslowable and triples for 2800 a hit, he is a damage monster, makes Rydda 'Dar look like a kitten being playful.
Now at first we had Nymeria as page tank with healers assigned to keep her up.
Nymeria biting Magmaton's Kneecaps!
Grrr Argh!
Eventually she gave up and went for the groin instead!
I've faced this guy with Unity, I know what he is capable of, and I really didn't know if a raid of 60ish people could take him down. From now on, someone just slap me once a raid and remind me that we can kill ANYTHING, because 60 pissed (that's drunk for our American friends) ANZAC's took out Magmaton!.
We got damn high praise from Vanman of the mighty Nameless Order, who had tagged along on the kill, when he said that was as good a kill as he had ever seen, and that meant a lot. But the true praise came from Kezlar and Pooby:
Southern Armada Clerics are just the ShitzNatz! Of course we had to feed every single tank we had into the maw of Magmaton's rampage engine, but Pooby lived!
/mourn the SA Tankage, but we beat the fucker!. Second hardest Mob in the Plane of Fire and we took him out with 2/3rds of a raid.
Of course Kez neglected to tell us that he was the second hardest Mob till much later. A fast move on to the "Picnic tables", again with very few deaths and we formed up for General Reparm. First off we had trash to clear.
First time we tried it we attempted to do it the conventional way "everyone else" does it. That didn't work, and it became clear fast it wasn't going to work, so we camped a cleric and as much of the raid as we could.
Once we had reformed we attempted the now newly patented "SA Method for the Killing of General Reparm". Basically it works like this, and feel free to use this strat anywhere you want. Remember the General triples for 3K a hit AND proc's a 3K dd as well.
Keep Pooby alive till 60% of the Generals health then let him die. Now here comes the tricky part, one by one you have to feed the /def tanks into the mincing machine of the Generals aggro range, then the Knights and finally when he is down at 5% or so, start to chain Rangers with WS at him!.
Brilliant strat and we implemented it perfectly! At the end of the fight we had NO tanks up and one Ranger still standing, not a single Cleric or Dress wearer got touched!. See Kez we controlled our aggro perfectly!
What a fight that was!. The Necro's are chaining what they can onto him, with little reports as to what is sticking and what isn't coming into the Necro channel, meanwhile SA is slowly feeding the General our tanks. I was throwing out DOT's as fast as I was able to get them to stick, every one was laying the smack down as hard and as fast as they possibly could and his HP were slooooooowly dropping. We got to 20% and he GAINED a percentage. I'm thinking "Oh shit that's not good".
It must have been a fluke tho or a bug in the updating of my UI as he slowly started to drop again. 5, 4, 3, 2.. the last Ranger puts up WS, 1, 0...... DEAD!
Woot what a fight! As we were Rezzing and loot calls were being made Kez chose this moment to tell the raid that Magmaton and General Reparm are considered the two hardest Mobs in the zone!. Not even Fenin Ro the Tyrant of Fire is supposed to be as hard as the General!.
The final run of the night for me was a fast run to the Ssraeshza Temple and an Emperor kill. The clearance up to his chamber is now trivial for us. The raid leaders don't really have to even tell us what they want done, we just do it and clear up to the Emps room. We got to the 3rd floor, dropped one named in order to flag someone and zoned into the Emperors Chamber.
We got sorted and Kez called "Bring me Snakes!" and Snakes were brought, contained and a CC rhythm established, The Blood of Ssraeshza died fast and POP there is the Emperor!. One question I do have to ask, how the hell can the same heal team that managed to keep Pooby alive against Magmaton allow him to die against the Emperor?. LOL I was just about pissing myself when that happened!, half the Clerics must have fallen asleep all at the same moment!.
The Emp died and the most Phat of Phat Lewtz dropped. Grats to Wolfestar on the Uber dress!. You maybe a dress wearer but at least you are wearing the Emperors Clothes now!. Eventually if enough of those drop they may one day start to filter down towards the Necro's.
I had hung around for the Emp kill, but at this point it was 230AM and time for beddie byes, so I called my goodbyes and toodled off to my little snug happy smacked-some-really-good-shit-down-while-raiding bed.
Logged in late Thursday and managed to catch a decent pic of Wolfestar and his new dress while waiting for the Raid to be called.
Once again there wasn't a lot up as the US guilds had been hard at work and we, unfortunately, had to be content with their leavings. So it was off to the Plane of Air for some Avatar slaughtering. Now with the plane of Air you have the ability to spawn mini named's in order to get the Avatars to pop, which means that there is almost always the ability to kill something.
There is still an ass load of trash clearing tho, I love the Air Phoenixes they just look so cool!.
Stormrider Priest of Destruction
Then we finally got to some mini named's These things are actually quite tough. The constable caught us by surprise when he came in and we lost Pooby relatively fast. The raid recovered well tho and Nym stepped in to tank the Constable smoothly.
He's ugly, he's smelly, he's Baltaldor the Cursed. We are going to have the Sparkling Shortsword rotting soon.
and finally the Avatar of Wind
The Avatar wiped us on our first attempt at him last week, this time we had no issues at all and he went down smooth like a good sippin' whisky!.
SA went on but once again at 2.00am I needed to sleep. I figure by 2.00am my "day" is approaching a full 19-20 hours so its a good time to go and fall over. So it wasn't the world's most thrilling raid but it was 1/4 of a Xegony key!