Thursday, June 19, 2003

Everquest Southern Armada Raids Week Seventeen

19/06/03 Week Seventeen

Well Tuesday kicked off with a blast! Prexus went down (again) early Tuesday afternoon, so be the time we logged on LOTS of goodies were starting to pop! First up was a little side jaunt to Sanctus Seru. We started a little early as we were concerned that someone may get the jump on us after the server up.

We didn't need to worry too much, I have yet to see anyone form up and attack faster than Southern Armada, so once in the zone we went hell for leather at him and down went Lord Inquisitor Seru.

Now a lot of people in SA already have Horsies, but it has been my dream since I was on Karana to own a top end horsie. I used to peruse the various web sites out there looking and dreaming at MOB's and Gear I never ever thought I would see or own. Last week I finished my Emperor Key, something I would never have believed would happen, on Tuesday I was awarded a Black Ornate Chain Bridle.

Not only is it the fastest Horsie there is, but its Black!, and its a Horsie! and did I mention I have Funeral Pyre?! WOOT! *Does the happy Necromancer dance*

Anyway, sorry, where was I?. Next up we were called to the Lair of Terris Thule. Unfortunately there was a wee miscalculation somewhere and she wasn't actually up. So after a bit of searching the next target was called.

Saryn is up in the Plane of Torment! WOOT A Flagging!!. This is one cool looking zone. The whole place is iron, chains and blood. Personally I really, really do not ever want to meet the guy who designed this zone. We zoned in, formed up and started the fight towards the tower. I have to say, god DAMN but there is a lot of yard trash to clear to get to the Big Nasty. However the mobs look really cool. Kudos to the designers on this zone.

Boruk Skin Harvester

Servant of Saryn

Blood Soaked Guard

I didn't get an exact sequence of events and mobs as a lot of the time I wasn't always sure if what we were up against was a named or just a normal mob. The ones I was able to identify though were:

Ta`Grusch the Abomination

Salczek the Fleshgrinder

The Abomination was a fun fight, he came with no call so we didn't expect him at all. He still got handled and dealt to though, but it got a bit exciting there for a second.!

I didn't get a shot of Maareq the Prophet for two reasons, he's human (Booo) and I never saw him. Another face the wall and chain cast DOT's fight YAWN. He died and we all ported up to the room of The Keeper of Sorrows. Strangely after what you have to go through to get to the Keeper he is somewhat of a gimp fight. But oh well, its all good as I have one more flag to add to my collection! Only one flag to go (Bertoxxulous) and its Rallos Zek time!. He is going to be a serious bitch of a fight. But like RD I am going to laugh my ass off when he goes down.

Just to top the night off Saryn herself wasn't up (we had wrong information on what causes her to spawn), so no final flag. So we had a wander though her room, looked into her underwear drawer and played with her pet. A crow with its eyes ripped out and the sockets bleeding is one hell of a pet!


So with no Saryn a lot of people started to log as it was getting late for some. It was about 2.00AM for me and I seriously considered logging but just as I was thinking about it Kez called "Cursed Up" and off to Ssraeshza Temple. After all, who can pass up an opportunity to kill Snakes unless its at gunpoint?. So with a seriously reduced raid force off we went.

The trackers were having a field day. Everything was popping, XTC was up, 2 Rhag's, Cursed, ArchLich, High Priest, all we needed was the Blood to pop and it would have been a full house!. I think if we had had all this goodness up at raid start we would have hit Ssra hard instead of Saryn. Ah well. The usual suspects died in the usual manner.

A Glyphed Covered Serpent

Vyzh'dra the Exiled

Vyzh'dra the Cursed

Lots of PhatLewtz dropped, including the best range item for casters in EQ. But at this point it was 3.00 AM and I already had a Horsie from tonight's festivities so I logged and camped pretty much straight away.

Now its time for a rant. If you don't want to read one then piss off. I really don't know who actually reads this so as far as I know its just me, so I get to vent a little.

HOW the fuck do you get to be 65 and in a raiding guild and NOT KNOW the rules of fucking raiding?. Ok I know I am still pretty new to high end raiding myself, but I know enough about it to have written this guide to Necro raiding for the low-end a while back.

What the fuck is up with mezz breaking?. NO-ONE breaks mezz but the MA, NO-ONE. There is NO fucking excuse for this kind of shit at this level. NONE, nada, zip, shit. I learned about how to make an /assist key and what it was used for on my first fear raid 3 years ago for fucks sake.

I think the most basic rule for raiding can be expressed in this simple little phrase.

You can fuck about before a raid and you can fuck about after a raid. Do Not Fuck About During a Raid.

Do not wander about, do not chat in /Raid, do not break Mezz, do not try to take aggro off the MT, there's a whole fucking list of them. The most basic is pay fucking attention!!.

Cant see the raid calls amongst the spam?, then make a new fucking window and separate out the RS so you can see it clearly. I have 5 windows open all the time so I can keep all my information clearly separated and understandable. There is a shit load of information coming at you during a raid and you need to be able to see it and assimilate it fast. Actually just go and read my Guide or go and read this Guide or even the one thats posted on Southern Armada's web-board!.

Both of them are written from a Necro's point of view and both of them are aimed at the player going on his first raid, but it seems that some of you fuckers need a refresher course. The Officers and Guild Leader of Southern Armada put a SHITLOAD of work into keeping the guild alive and sorting the next target, pulling, research on tactics etc etc. If you want to fuck about then piss off, cause you are wasting the time of 60 other people who are there to be serious and move ahead in the game.

I am by no means an expert raider or even a hugely experienced one, but I listen, I pay attention, I TRY to get better and learn from those who know their shit. I try to learn from my mistakes and don't make them again. If you want to raid then pay fucking attention,if you dont want to raid then why did you turn up?. If the call is to go left and hug the wall, then do it, it's really not that hard.

Not "Oh they didn't mean me, I'm just going to wander off and look at this interesting mob over here" or "I'm bored while the raid is sorted so I'm going to run around people in ever increasing circles". If you aggro a MOB then DIE FFS!. Do not fucking bring it back to the raid. Do not run around panicking. There are people who's entire job is looking out for this shit to happen, running around just makes it harder for them to bring the mob under control!

Ok I feel better, sort of. We will see what tonight brings us.


Well tonight brought nada for me. I logged in a little early to see if I could grab a bit of XP or help someone with a shard camp or something similar. 5mins in LD. Damn oh well not unheard of. Log back in, trying to get to Acrylia Caverns for a shard camp. 5mins LD.

Crap try again, 7 mins, LD. Rats, log to an Alt, 5 Mins LD. Raid is called, 8 Mins LD, get to Raid, LD while waiting, LD again while Raid is setting up, LD again just as we engage. FUCK FUCK FUCK. Nothing I can do about it, it must have been something local to me as the next day it was pretty much gone.

So I logged to an Alt and sat and listened while the rest of the Guild got to go on the first Southern Armada attempt at Bertoxxulous. With a sum total of 4 clerics we not only made it to him on time we engaged him and didnt do too badly before the wipe. With a full raid complement of Clerics (And Me!) we will take him easy.

While all this was going on I was still going LD every 5-15 minutes while I was playing my Alt. I would have been a serious impediment to any raid :(

Saturday was a bit better as I managed to get the last two shards I needed to finish my VT key! WOOOOOOOOOTTT!. All I need now is the rift from the Emperor Ssraeshza and I am Vex Thal keyed!. Thats another EQ dream realised! I am going to look up what I need for the Veeshans Peak key next and attempt to do that, some of it is soloable I know so I really want to give it a go.

Being keyed for places like Veeshan's Peak, Vex Thal or the Emperor's throne room are dreams I have had since the reports of those places first started to appear. My chances of seeing this stuff on Karana were absolute Zero. On Prexus where a jaunt through the current VP would be a warmup excercise for SA, the chances are very very good. :)

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