We were very low on people for this fight. Sundays are an optional raid night for us so some weeks it can be a little low on available people. We waited a lot longer than we normally would for people to log on but in the end we engaged with only 16 in the raid. I had some link problems with repeated link deaths, so I was put on the left side as back up off tank and we had a Pally and a Warrior as primary pickup tanks. Now the APW loot must seem somewhat lopsided to anyone who has spent any time in there. The ratio is definitely on the side of Medium wearers, then Heavy wearers and finally the Lighties get a look in. Now the mighty Wavebreaker appears to be on the other side of the fence, he drops almost exclusively light stuff. So it surprises me that we get so few light wearers showing up for the Sunday fights.
We engaged Wavebreaker and the right side pickup tank and his backup went down very quickly against the first set of pops, due to very unfortunate positioning. So I left my spot on the left and and picked up the adds. We stayed like that all through the fight and the big boy gave up his lootz very quickly.
We then did more scouting work on Warders. I know we have to learn the fight, but it just feels like we haven't got this at all. We form up, pull one, wipe and do that repeatedly. Its just not a whole lot of fun. We have never even dropped a single Warder or even managed to get one under control.
Monday 14.04.08
I started to crash out repeatedly again. For this night it seemed my disk issue was sort of back. At one point I was repeatedly losing both disks to "Unexpected removal of the device" errors. Its like when you pull out a USB drive without removing it properly. Its the same error message and its bloody frustrating to see when its being applied against a SATA2 disk which is in use at the time. In the end after repeated reboots and running chkdsk multiple times it just sort of came right and its been good ever since. I have this feeling I will be going through bouts of disk problems, probably until I rebuild my PC again
We decided to have a bit of a retro night and we were a bit all over the place. First we cleared the entrance, X77 first then an easy x83 kill. No problems with X83 at all this time. The Enraged is definitely on Farm status.
Then it was backwards to the hub and a back clear to Shadowsoul and then Travix. We had one small issue where one of our Bards forgot to call the curse and we had a large angry skele pop in the middle of our raid during the Travix fight. He was quickly off tanked and Travix went down without any problems. We are definitely getting the hang of this APW thing.We turned around and headed back to the Hub where Zaraax proceeded to show us his ass repeatedly. The problem we are having is the adds. Do you charm them?, kill them?, AOE them? he didn't go down this week but we are definitely getting closer. Lots of debate though on which are the right tactics to use and where exactly to engage him.
Thursday 17.04.08
Cartheon, Izemgelki the Lorekeeper goes down first. We had some serious glitches in the cages with multiple pulls, almost wipes and waaaaaayy to many mobs in camp. In the end we comfortably cleared out the Lorekeeper and Bookkeeper and took it to Vahsren. We had an accidental aggro of the two books and had to off tank them pretty quickly without any real prep. We got down to healing Garbar the MT with a single healer, but in the end Vahsren dropped.
Subjugator, dead again.
We engaged Palnepipe very late. It was almost 1130pm before we pulled him for the first time. No real issues with the fight and he was snuffed by Midnight.