Well its been 6 months or so since the first of us ex-SA found each other in VG beta. It started , as it often does, in a rather innocuous fashion.
Let me set the scene.
Its the middle of winter in New Zealand and its fucking freezing. Now in NZ we get winters as cold as you get them in places like the UK, but New Zealanders have never really taken to that wonderful invention known as insulation. We build our houses entirely out of wood with only a thin wooden skin between us and the outside 0C and 60Kph winds. Insulation is for "Poofs and whinging Poms" *poke Wolfe*.
So anyway, there I am huddling in my study, leaning into the warmth generated by my LCD monitor, logged in on one screen to VG Beta 2. 0 and on the other screen to my Cisco study material. Guess which one is being ignored :), when I get a /tell from some one called Durak.
"Oi are you a kiwi from Prexus eq server?"
"yup, whos this?"
About 5 minutes later we were sick to death of /tell and we had decided to form a version of Southern Armada on the beta Server. Now I dunno about Allty but I had no intention of joining all the beta guilds that had started to up all over the place. I was happy to wear the SA tag for 3 years in EQ and a year in WoW and had every intention of continuing. I figured I should ask permission of the powers that be so I shot Kez a quick mail asking if it would be cool if we started an SA chapter and he said go for it. So I flicked an email to a GM and within a couple of days SA was born.
As soon as I logged in with the tag I got hold of Durak and invited him. It turns out that one of the advantages of having a guild with a very long term membership roster is that we all generally use the same names across all the games we play. So very quickly, Durak, Feninine (I can never spell that right) Qualm, Red, Pinkie and myself were all happily chatting away in /gu. After a while I began to realise that there was no way I could sustain a decent beta test schedule and pass my exams so I pretty much dropped out of Beta for several months. I kept up to date with the ongoing issues of beta and logged on occasionally but simply couldn't spend the amount of time the game deserved to be a good tester.
In the meantime the guys invited a few people from outside the guild and couple of others from SA started to pop up and the numbers started to flesh out a bit. There are about 20 people in SA right now including alts. For those from EQ we currently have Roottouch as a member :) Every day there a few more joining us in the beta experience and the SA spirit grows back just a little bit more.
I have now finished my exams and I'm back in playing as much as Telecoms shitty ADSL network and a random reboot from my PC will allow me to. It actually really hard to write anything about beta because it changes so damn much. To give you a couple of examples of how much it can change, I have now been through 3 complete rebuilds of the combat system and I don't know how many incremental changes. Diplomacy has been totally rebuilt twice and so has harvesting. Each Class is now on its 3rd complete rebuild, major systems can change at the drop of a hat and be tweaked, learned and gone again by the next patch. Every patch brings new sounds, new spells and abilities, new animations, new game systems
Having said that, the game is a lot of fun. I can see myself in VG for many years to come simply because its a tough game to master. I know that many people are out their bitching about Vanguard but I honestly think most of those people think they are going to experience that first time you logged into EQ again.
lets face it, when EQ first started it was not a good game. They couldn't keep the damn servers up for longer than about four hours a week for the first month. Crashes and item loss were constant. No one had a clue how to get around, Humans couldn't see in the dark and would spend hours running randomly with a completely black screen hoping for a light in the distance. No one understood aggro and Monks spent a LOT of time dying until the players figured out how it worked.
There were no pages long in-depth analysis of game play, class interaction or why the Devs hate
In fact the question is not "Is this game as good as EQ, will it hold my attention like EQ did?" because depending on your personal experience with EQ and why you left, that's a next to impossible question to answer.
The best question to ask is:
Will this game be as Good as EQ?, does it have the potential to evolve and develop in the same way that EQ did.
The unequivocal answer to that question is Yes, yes it does.