Mondays raid kicked off with a fast jaunt to the Elemental Plane of Earth. There wasn't a hell of a lot up, in fact only one ring, Rock, but we persevered. Once again we pulled the spawns and just AOE'd them. Damn I love doing this, I load up my pathetic PB 155DD AOE spell, Word of Souls, get as close into the middle of the bunch as i can and nuke away merrily!. I think we calculated the first pull at about 30+ MOB's. We have two terms in SA for these pulls, the first is the standard we all know as "AOE", the second and more popular is "Killing Chanters".
All it takes is a couple of resists on stun and *splat* oops there goes a Chanter!. I knew there was a reason I didn't choose to play one 4 years ago *grin*
So once the fun stuff is done its back to the grind of pulling and snuffing red con's.
Finally we grab the named (which looks exactly like everything else in the Ring cycle) and beat him to a pulp as well. Ah well, it may be boring but the Lewtz is Phat Phat Phat!.
That was about it for Earth, so then it was on to the Elemental Plane of Air. I never have a clue where the hell I'm going in this damn zone. Run here, run there, run around and backwards and sideways. I'm glad someone has a map, cause I am semi-perpetually lost. I'm fairly sure the first MOB we made it to was the Elemental Masterpiece. Not a hard kill, but he does hit like a truck. We actually got him with about 2 adds, Pooby went down in seconds, it took a while till people could get the healage together and the off tanks in place.
More running about, more clearing crap, more slogging through yard trash to get to Calebgrothiel. Again shouldn't he be in Fire?

I'm fairly sure I know why the air elementals are all confused. They are all wondering why two thirds of this zone uses exactly the same model. "Why do I look like all the Named's in this zone?, I want to be unique!"
Almost as an afterthought we smacked Queen Silandria in passing. I didn't even realize she was a named till Kez announced loot. Bit of a woos really, about as tough as a BOT wing boss named.
Finally we made it to the Avatar of Smoke. Once again we pulled him to Kez because Kez couldn't be bothered getting up, he was busy with Cybering or something. So being good guildies we brought the Avatar to him and then laid it at his feet.
I believe the raid continued on to Spider Isle. But at this point I was buggered and it was a little before 2am. So I figured I should be nice and take my leave before I got too heavily engaged in the next part of the raid. I believe they headed over to take on Sigismund but because I wasn't there (Good Luck Necro!) they failed.
This Wednesday, no mucking about we headed straight to the Elemental Plane of Air and zoned in. We started clearing trash straight up. I felt like this was the first serious POA raid we have done with definite targets and tactics in mind. We aimed for a number of Mini's, the Avatars of Dust and Mist and the nasty ass spider Sigismund. Now I know I have complained in the past (endlessly, yeah yeah I know) about the amount of crap you have to clear to do the Rings in the Elemental Plane of Earth. Well guess what, Air makes that look like a quick sweep.
There is just HUGE amounts of Yard Trash to clear through. The Chamberlain is close to zone in so he is always the first to die. For a "Trash" named he can be a nasty bastard and occasionally when we aren't"on" we have had trouble with him.
The Constable hangs about with the Chamberlain and they tend to die reasonably close together.
After hours and hours and hours of clearing crap we finally made our way to the first named of the evening, The Avatar of Dust. Now the last couple of times we have attempted Avatars we have moved to their locations. I think this time Kez decided "sod that, we have all the hard work of killing them, they should come to us." So the pull team simply brought him out to us on the bridge and we Ganked him. /Yawn these guys were tough once I'm sure *Grin*
Some time in here we also found the Avatar of Mist and sent him back to Xegony.
Then it was time for Spiders, I think next to the Rathe Council encounter the Spider island in Plane of Air is possibly the most hated in EQ. Now this was the same guy we had wiped against last week so we were out for revenge, and to prove that a woosy spider wasn't going to stop our crawl towards the Plane of Time. On the way we ran into Melernil Faal`Armanna, who seriously looks like he was on the way to the Plane of Fire and just got lost.
First we have to go through the spider clarence. Several hundreds of crystal spiders have to be cleaned out. Finally the trigger, A Vorladien Archwalker spawns, we nail him and kick off the ring.
Now there is a LOT of alcohol between me and last week so I am probably very very wrong about this time line, so for those expecting the Uber Leet Strats, go read the FOH boards. Hell I wouldn't know an Uber Leet Strat if it bit me in the ass, but I think three of the ArchWalkers spawn and have to be defeated, then finally you get Sigismund Windwalker.
Now the above pic is Sigismund on his way to kicking our asses. The first pull was called and he was THERE, no waiting, everyone got served at once. I somehow ended up on the Rampage list, even with Raid buffs I got hit 3 times, 1878, 2140ish, a proc of 3500dd and SPLAT, I was a faintly surprised smear on the tunnel wall. This spider is one hell of a nasty MOB, once again Kez resorted to the nasty symbol keys on the keyboard.
So there was a short delay for rezzing and rebuilding the raid, a couple of add's and repops to be cleared, a CH rota to be kicked off early, LOTS of warning to be given and Sigismund was inc again. Now there was a new motivational technique used by Kez for this pull. He said "If we don't get this right my Goldfish is going in the microwave". Wails were heard from the entire guild and much protesting, but Kez was adamant, do this right or the Goldfish is taking the long last swim down the flush cycle!.
This time Sigismund got splatted and we came off virtually unscathed. The rota worked perfectly and Pooby made rude gestures at the nasty Spider as it tried to beat him down, but we saved the Goldfish YAY!. I know its rather hard to see, but believe it or not there is a big dead spider in this pic. Grats us on a couple of Xegony keys!