03/12/03 Week Fourty One
I used to hate Tuesday. You are always kind of mentally prepped for Mondays, first day back etc etc, Wednesday is the middle of the week so its all downhill after that. But Tuesday is like the last hump before the top of the hill when you are cycling, you can see the bit where its all going to become downhill, but you still have some pain to get through first.
Now I have something to look forward to on Tuesdays, Raiding!. I'm completely fucked on Wednesday mornings but its worth it.
First up on Tuesday was a little jaunt into the Elemental plane of Fire. We were only there for the one evil target of Quavonis Firetail. Now there really wasn't a lot up anywhere, but we were waiting and hoping for a VT pop. An impromptu raid of ours had managed to clear VT last wednesday and bring the potential NEXT pop into our time zone, so a full pop was due anytime soon. Pay attention, there will be a test on this later.

Next up was the traditional banging-of -the-head-against-earth. I got a bit too excited about the AOE call this time and forgot to get a picture, which was a pity really because the first pull was possibly one of the biggest we have ever tried. The best part was we lost all our Chanters during the pull, but no-one else!. Woot a Successful Pull!
A Rock Monstrosity

After hours and hours and (did I mention the) hours of killing we finally got a named. Mr Peregrin Rockskull then laid down his life for the general betterment of Southern Armada.

One of the best looking Mobs in this zone, is to me A Vekerchiki Warrior. Especially when they get Mezzed and they just hang in the air waiting to die. They look so cute. All the rest of the mobs are pretty boring, rock man, mudman, croc etc etc. At least the Verchiki are a little different.

So we had cleared the Ring of Rock, and again we may have actually done more than one ring, sometimes its damn hard to tell as they come in so thick and fast. Then I saw Geno call something so crazy I figured I had misunderstood it and I had to ask for confirmation. Boiled down it came to "incoming CROC" . I'm sorry you what?, you are pulling Tantisala Jaggedtooth to Zone Out? Geno you are certified Fucking nuts.
Once again the Pull Team and Genosin in particular proved me wrong. I've said it before and I'm sure I will say it again, we have the best pull team on the server!.
After a couple of minutes of Trash Clearing(tm) it was Croc INC and she came roaring in! She went past so fast all I caught was this!.

That was it for POE so we headed back to the Plane of Fire where the track team had detected the emergence from his hiding place of the Arch Mage Yozanni.

We formed up, casters to one side, tanks and healers to the other so us casters could avoid his damn AOE mana drain. I ran as high up the wall as I possibly could as some of these guys have massive ranges to the AOE's. We pulled him, we killed him, it was all good.
Then suddenly my night perked up hugely!. The good Mr Arch Mage was kind enough to drop an Elemental Silk Hat!. I saw it drop, saw the call to send tells, and thought, Yup, that's a significant upgrade on my current headwear and sent a tell.
I was actually in the middle of a conversation with a recent transfer to Prexus from my old server, I was explaining the differences between how we do stuff in SA and changed form Prexus to Karana, the differences in even simple things, like the Acronyms used to describe a location, can be quite daunting when you first move.
It wasn't ill I saw "Wolfestar taps his feet impatiently and looks at Ulaa" out of the corner of my eye that I noticed something was happening. I saw all the grat's scrolling up, saw Xinen loot, paged up to see "Grats Xinen and Ulaa" WOOT! ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!.
Damn!, and I wasn't even paying attention!. I did a quick backflip in my seat (quite a feat for those who have never tried it) and looted the pattern for my new Miragul's Crown of Risen Souls. Man that one floored me, I REALLY didn't expect that to come my way at all!. I figured I would be at least a month or two before being eligible for anything!. *Ulaa Does the Happy Dance*.
Thank you Mr Poofy Boy!.

We gated out of Fire for the next target, I asked politely if I could consume a couple of Xardan's Ethereal Silk Swatches, ran to the bank and then did my hand in. At this point it was getting late, I couldn't wait any longer for VT to pop so I headed to bed. I knew that if VT popped I would hit it with the raid. It was already after 2AM and a VT clear was at least 2 hours minimum. I would seriously pay the price both physically and from the GF if I stayed up till 4am.
Annoyingly VT did pop after I went to bed. The raid hit it and cleared it by 630AM my time. You know what, I would have stayed for it if I had known. I would have gotten my screenshot of Aten Ha Ra and been happy, even though I would have had to log off, have a shower and head straight to work. AHR continues to elude me. Bitch.
And we thought there was sod all up on Tuesday. The main-line guilds left us very close to absolutely nothing for Thursday night. First up we headed to Kael Drakkal for our old friend, and a MOB we haven't seen for a while, The Avatar of War. Of course we have to clear our way through Derakor the Vindicator first.

Then the Idol of Rallos Zek...

Then the Statue of Rallos Zek...

and finally the Avatar of War was inc!

He still looks tough, but somehow once you have killed his boss he just doesn't seem all that anymore.

There was a guild already in the arena who had wiped to Vindi just as we had started to zone in. I'm not sure who they were, but there were a couple of ANON people hanging around as our pulls were inc. Just when the Avatar himself was in sight, something happened and he charged off at the ANON peeps instead of heading to us. Not sure why, benefit of the doubt and all that, but dodgy all the same.
So now it was time for Fire. Both Birdies were up so we all headed out to ss1 for the kill. I had to log off just after I got to ss1, as I had to dial in to work to check on the progress of a job I had running. So I missed the first pull and only came back for the tail end of the death of Criare Sunmane.

So after dropping two birdies it was time for a shot at General Druav Flamesinger.

And the final hit of the Night was the Lord Solusek Ro. Once again we had to do the Dance of the Flagless, but we seem to be getting better at it because its definitely getting faster. Mr Ro himself also seems to be getting easier each time as well. Its amazing what a few weeks of Elemental farming can do for the overall damage output of the guild.

It actually ended up being a very quiet evening. Mr Ro was the final MOB of the night and we finished about 1am. There was just nothing else up